
Our General Terms & Conditions

1. All offers and deli­ve­ries are sub­ject to these mutually accep­ted terms and con­di­ti­ons of deli­very and pay­ment. By pla­cing an order or accep­t­ing a deli­very, the cus­to­mer ack­now­led­ges these terms and con­di­ti­ons. Any devia­ting terms and con­di­ti­ons set out by the cus­to­mer which are not con­fir­med in wri­ting by us shall not apply.

All offers and pri­ces are sub­ject to change. Pri­ces are sub­ject to VAT. The mini­mum order value for “ex stock” pri­ces is € 600 plus VAT. The “free deli­very” pri­ces lis­ted apply as of a mini­mum quan­tity of 450 kg.

Pay­ment is due net cash wit­hin 10 days of the invoice date. Advance pay­ment is requi­red for a customer’s first order. Deli­ve­ries on open account are sub­ject to credit insurance. If the buyer falls into arre­ars, then Sec­tion 288 of the Ger­man Civil Code app­lies, in accordance with which the asser­tion of fur­ther rights is reserved.

Unless other­wise sta­ted, the invoice date is the same as the date on which the goods are dis­patched or collec­ted. Our deli­ve­ries, inclu­ding deli­ve­ries with no car­riage char­ges, are at the buyer’s expense and risk.

We reserve the right to change reci­pes, coun­tries of ori­gin et cetera.


2. Com­p­laints rela­ting to obvious defects must be made immedia­tely after han­do­ver of the goods. Com­p­laints must be made in wri­ting or by tele­phone. The buyer under­ta­kes to store the goods pro­perly and in accordance with our inst­ruc­tions. Any com­p­laints recei­ved later shall not be valid. The pro­vi­si­ons of Para­graphs 377 and 378 of the Ger­man Com­mer­cial Code are not affected.


3. Until such time as all receiva­bles ari­sing from the busi­ness rela­ti­ons­hip are paid, we retain the title to our goods. If the goods are pro­ces­sed, this reten­tion of title is exten­ded to the effect that it is agreed that the title to the new pro­duct shall be trans­fer­red to the sel­ler, who accepts this trans­fer of title. In the nor­mal course of busi­ness, the buyer is enti­t­led to resell the goods; it sur­ren­ders all claims ari­sing from the resale of the goods sub­ject to reser­va­tion of title to the amount of the total receiva­bles of the sel­ler, who accepts this sur­ren­de­ring of claims. Until such time as the goods are paid for in full, they may not be pled­ged or given by way of security.

In the event of strikes, acts of God, dis­rup­tion to ope­ra­ti­ons or other cir­cum­s­tan­ces for which we are not to blame or which we could not have anti­ci­pa­ted, we shall be enti­t­led to post­pone deli­ve­ries for as long as is made necessary by such cir­cum­s­tan­ces. In such cases we shall notify the buyer immedia­tely and we shall also be enti­t­led to with­draw from the con­tract. Such a with­dra­wal shall not enti­tle the buyer to claim for dama­ges. We shall refund any pay­ments already made by the buyer immediately.

If the buyer falls into pay­ment arre­ars and fails to respond to remin­ders, we shall be enti­t­led to with­draw from the con­tract. In such cases we expressly reserve the right to fur­ther claims.


4. The place of ful­film­ent for deli­ve­ries and pay­ment, if both par­ties are mer­chants, and irre­spec­tive of the value of a claim, is Ham­burg-Altona District Court. Should any indi­vi­dual pro­vi­sion in these terms and con­di­ti­ons become inef­fec­tive, this shall not affect the effec­ti­ve­ness of the other provisions.

Note: the Eng­lish-lan­guage infor­ma­tion pro­vi­ded here is a trans­la­tion of the Ger­man ori­gi­nal (Impres­sum), which remains solely binding.


Last updated 01 Decem­ber 2023

VAT no.: DE 811 193 104