Our General Terms & Conditions
1. All offers and deliÂveÂries are subÂject to these mutually accepÂted terms and conÂdiÂtiÂons of deliÂvery and payÂment. By plaÂcing an order or accepÂtÂing a deliÂvery, the cusÂtoÂmer ackÂnowÂledÂges these terms and conÂdiÂtiÂons. Any deviaÂting terms and conÂdiÂtiÂons set out by the cusÂtoÂmer which are not conÂfirÂmed in wriÂting by us shall not apply.
All offers and priÂces are subÂject to change. PriÂces are subÂject to VAT. The miniÂmum order value for “ex stock” priÂces is € 600 plus VAT. The “free deliÂvery” priÂces lisÂted apply as of a miniÂmum quanÂtity of 450 kg.
PayÂment is due net cash witÂhin 10 days of the invoice date. Advance payÂment is requiÂred for a customer’s first order. DeliÂveÂries on open account are subÂject to credit insurance. If the buyer falls into arreÂars, then SecÂtion 288 of the GerÂman Civil Code appÂlies, in accordance with which the asserÂtion of furÂther rights is reserved.
Unless otherÂwise staÂted, the invoice date is the same as the date on which the goods are disÂpatched or collecÂted. Our deliÂveÂries, incluÂding deliÂveÂries with no carÂriage charÂges, are at the buyer’s expense and risk.
We reserve the right to change reciÂpes, counÂtries of oriÂgin et cetera.
2. ComÂpÂlaints relaÂting to obvious defects must be made immediaÂtely after hanÂdoÂver of the goods. ComÂpÂlaints must be made in wriÂting or by teleÂphone. The buyer underÂtaÂkes to store the goods proÂperly and in accordance with our instÂrucÂtions. Any comÂpÂlaints receiÂved later shall not be valid. The proÂviÂsiÂons of ParaÂgraphs 377 and 378 of the GerÂman ComÂmerÂcial Code are not affected.
3. Until such time as all receivaÂbles ariÂsing from the busiÂness relaÂtiÂonsÂhip are paid, we retain the title to our goods. If the goods are proÂcesÂsed, this retenÂtion of title is extenÂded to the effect that it is agreed that the title to the new proÂduct shall be transÂferÂred to the selÂler, who accepts this transÂfer of title. In the norÂmal course of busiÂness, the buyer is entiÂtÂled to resell the goods; it surÂrenÂders all claims ariÂsing from the resale of the goods subÂject to reserÂvaÂtion of title to the amount of the total receivaÂbles of the selÂler, who accepts this surÂrenÂdeÂring of claims. Until such time as the goods are paid for in full, they may not be pledÂged or given by way of security.
In the event of strikes, acts of God, disÂrupÂtion to opeÂraÂtiÂons or other cirÂcumÂsÂtanÂces for which we are not to blame or which we could not have antiÂciÂpaÂted, we shall be entiÂtÂled to postÂpone deliÂveÂries for as long as is made necessary by such cirÂcumÂsÂtanÂces. In such cases we shall notify the buyer immediaÂtely and we shall also be entiÂtÂled to withÂdraw from the conÂtract. Such a withÂdraÂwal shall not entiÂtle the buyer to claim for damaÂges. We shall refund any payÂments already made by the buyer immediately.
If the buyer falls into payÂment arreÂars and fails to respond to reminÂders, we shall be entiÂtÂled to withÂdraw from the conÂtract. In such cases we expressly reserve the right to furÂther claims.
4. The place of fulÂfilmÂent for deliÂveÂries and payÂment, if both parÂties are merÂchants, and irreÂspecÂtive of the value of a claim, is HamÂburg-Altona District Court. Should any indiÂviÂdual proÂviÂsion in these terms and conÂdiÂtiÂons become inefÂfecÂtive, this shall not affect the effecÂtiÂveÂness of the other provisions.
Note: the EngÂlish-lanÂguage inforÂmaÂtion proÂviÂded here is a transÂlaÂtion of the GerÂman oriÂgiÂnal (ImpresÂsum), which remains solely binding.
Last updated 01 DecemÂber 2023
VAT no.: DE 811 193 104