Order and contact
We are happy to proÂcess your order by phone. Orders until 10 a.m. will be shipÂped the same day – if wanted.
Do you have quesÂtiÂons or are you looÂking for a direct conÂtact perÂson? Find the extenÂsion numÂber on our site “team” or call our serÂvice number
+49(0)40 399292-0
You can also e-mail your quesÂtiÂons or orders. Please use the form under ConÂtakt.
Delivery & payment
Our goods are deliÂveÂred by reliÂable froÂzen food speÂciaÂlists who have been working with Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH for many years. We are able to deliÂver to most destiÂnaÂtiÂons in the EU witÂhin one week after. PayÂment is due witÂhin 10 days. Advance payÂment is only requiÂred for first-time customers.