
Fish is one of the healt­hiest foods in gene­ral. Unsa­tu­ra­ted fatty acids, essen­tial amino acids, easily diges­ti­ble pro­te­ins, mine­rals, micro nut­ri­tion and vit­amins are the foun­da­tion of a healthy diet. Above all it is tasty and ver­sa­tile. We offer a great variety of freshwa­ter fish like zan­der, pike, cat­fish, pan­gasius and tila­pia. Bes­i­des we also have sal­mon, char and trout avail­able. Cold water fish, pela­gic and exo­tic fish com­plete the assort­ment. We trade filets with or without skin as well as whole fish and value-added products.


Saltwater Fish

We import salt­wa­ter fish in dif­fe­rent pro­ces­sed sta­tes from all over the world. There is Hira­masa King­fish from Aus­tra­lian aquacul­ture, cold water fish from Nor­way and Ice­land, dou­ble-fros­ted goods from the Far East or Medi­ter­ra­nean clas­sics like sea bass or gil­thead. We have almost ever­ything that ori­gi­na­tes from the water. Altog­e­ther we put an empha­sis on trans­pa­rent qua­lity stan­dards and sustainability.


White meat and a deli­cate taste are the first thoughts that come to mind when thin­king about flat­fish. We offer North Sea clas­sics like sole, plaice and tur­bot as well as impor­ted goods from the Atlan­tic and the Paci­fic Ocean.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Dover­sole fil­lets skin off iqf90880/120 g5 kg
Dover­sole gut­ted iqf906400/500 g10 kg
Dover­sole gut­ted iqf909500/700 g10 kg
Plaice ready to cook iqf1055525/575 g10 kg
Schol­len-Dop­pel­fi­let ohne schwarze Haut1052140/160 g10x1 kg
Tro­pi­cal sole fil­let 2-3 pie­ces wrapped101260/120g6x2 kg
Tro­pi­cal sole sin­gle fil­lets indi­vi­du­ally wrapped125090/120g6x2 kg
Tur­bot fil­let skin off iqf1124100/200 g5 kg
Tur­bot gut­ted iqf11213000/4000 gabt.15 kg
Tur­bot gut­ted iqf11254000 gabt.15 kg

Cold Water Fish

Cold water fish are espe­cially tasty and ver­sa­tile. Cod, Alas­kan poll­ack or red­fish are among these, bes­i­des less famous spe­cies like the Pata­go­nian Arc­tic hake.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Alaska pol­lock fil­let skin off iqf1270140/160 g10x1 kg
Alaska pol­lock fil­let skin off iqf1271160/180 g10x1 kg
Alaska pol­lock fil­let skin off iqf1282140/160 g5 kg
Alaska pol­lock fil­let skin off iqf1255160/180 g5 kg
Atlan­tic cod fil­let por­ti­ons skin off iqf1231160/180g5 kg
Atlan­tic red­fish skin off iqf1134140/160 g5 kg
Atlan­tic red­fish skin off iqf1135160/180 g5 kg
Atlan­tic red­fish skin off iqf1136180/200 g5 kg
Atlan­tic red­fish skin off iqf1156140/160 g10x1 kg
Atlan­tic red­fish skin off iqf1157160/180 g10x1 kg
Atlan­tic red­fish skin off iqf1158180/200 g10x1 kg
Cape hake fil­let skin off iqf1186120/180 g8x1 kg
Cat­fish fil­let skin off interleaved1131400/800 g4x6 kg
Cat­fish loins skin off iqf1133160/180 g5 kg
Mon­kfish tails skin on iqf1205abt. 2-4 kg25 kg
MSC Alaska pol­lock fil­let skin off iqf Gourmaitre12703140/160 g10x1kg
MSC Alaska pol­lock fil­let skin off iqf Gourmaitre12823140/160 g5kg
MSC Alaska pol­lock fil­let skin off iqf Gourmaitre12713160/180 g10x1kg
MSC Alaska pol­lock fil­let skin off iqf Gourmaitre12553160/180 g5 kg
MSC Atlan­tic cod loins skin off iqf1360140/160 g5 kg
MSC Atlan­tic cod loins skin off iqf1359180/200 g5 kg
MSC hake fil­let skin off iqf1184120/170 g10x1 kg
MSC Makre­len, ganz1601250/500 g5x2 kg
MSC saithe fil­let skin off iqf1187160/180 g5 kg
MSC saithe loins skin off iqf1361140/160 g5 kg
MSC saithe loins skin off iqf1189160/180 g5 kg
Paci­fic cod fil­let por­ti­ons skin off iqf1223140/160g5 kg
Paci­fic cod fil­let por­ti­ons skin off iqf1224160/180g5 kg
Paci­fic cod loins skin off iqf1240140/160 g5 kg
Paci­fic cod loins skin off iqf1247160/180 g5 kg
Paci­fic cod loins skin off iqf1266140/160 g10x1 kg
Paci­fic cod loins skin off iqf1258160/180 g10x1 kg
Paci­fic cod loins skin off iqf1246160/180 g5 kg
Paci­fic cod loins skin off iqf1259160/180 g10x1 kg
Paci­fic red­fish skin off iqf1141140/160 g5 kg
Paci­fic red­fish skin off iqf1155160/180 g5 kg
Paci­fic red­fish skin off iqf1154180/220 g5 kg
Paci­fic red­fish skin off iqf1159140/160 g10x1 kg
Paci­fic red­fish skin off iqf1160160/180 g10x1 kg
Paci­fic red­fish skin off iqf1161180/200 g10x1 kg
Saithe fil­let skin off iqf1233140/160 g5 kg
Saithe fil­let skin off iqf1145160/180 g5 kg
Saithe fil­let skin off iqf1146160/180 g10x1 kg
Saithe loins skin off iqf1148140/160 g5 kg
Saithe loins skin off iqf1152160/180 g10x1 kg
Saithe loins skin off iqf1149160/180 g5 kg
Saithe loins skin off iqf1147160/180 g5 kg
Spot­ted cat­fish fil­let skin off interleaves1228800 g3x9 kg
Tooth­fish whole iqf12544-5 kg/pcsabt. 25 kg

Gilthead & Sea Bass

Com­monly fried on the skin, bar­be­cued or stea­med gil­thead and sea bass are an all-time favo­rite in the Medi­ter­ra­nean cui­sine. We pri­ma­rily trade fish filets from Euro­pean aquaculture.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Sea bream fil­let skin on iqf168980/120 g5 kg
Sea bream fil­let skin on iqf1707120/160 g5 kg
Sea bream whole iqf1693300/400 g5 kg
Sea­bass fil­let skin on iqf169080/120 g5 kg
Sea­bass fil­let skin on iqf1674120/160 g5 kg
Sea­bass whole iqf1698300/400 g5 kg

Warm Water & Exotic Fish

Exo­tic fish like the color­ful par­rot­fish or the par­ti­cu­larly deli­cious red mul­let are well-spread in the Euro­pean sea­food trade. Grou­per or barra­mundi are less fre­quent. Espe­cially filets on the skin are plea­sant tre­ats from the bar­be­cue or the pan.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Barra­mundi fil­let skin on iqf Gourmaitre12903170/230 g10x1 kg
Grou­per fil­let skin on iqf Gourmaitre17013170/230 g10x1 kg
Gur­nard fil­lets, skin on, iqf16703100/150 g10x1 kg
John dory fil­lets, skin on, iqf16773150/200 g10x1 kg
Par­rot­fish fil­let skin on iqf Gourmaitre12493170/220 g10x1 kg
Red mul­let fil­let skin on iqf166420/40 g10x1 kg
Red mul­let fil­let skin on iqf166240/80 g10x1 kg
Red mul­let fil­let skin on iqf124260/80 g10x1 kg
Red mul­let fil­let skin on iqf170580/120 g10x1 kg
Red mul­let fil­let skin on iqf Gourmaitre1664320/40 g10x1 kg
Red mul­let fil­let skin on iqf Gourmaitre1662340/80 g10x1 kg
Red mul­let fil­let skin on iqf Gourmaitre1242360/80 g10x1 kg
Red mul­let fil­let skin on iqf Gourmaitre1705380/120 g10x1 kg
Smooth oreo dory skin off iqf121860/100 g5 kg
Smooth oreo dory skin off iqf127560/115 g5 kg
Smooth oreo dory skin off iqf1219100/150 g5 kg
Smooth oreo dory skin off iqf1276110/170 g5 kg
Smooth oreo dory skin off iqf1284170/225 g5 kg
Smooth oreo dory skin off iqf1285225 g/5 kg
Snap­per fil­let skin on iqf Gourmaitre16413170/230 g10x1 kg
Star­ga­zer fil­let skin off iqf1215200/400 g5 kg

Pelagic Fish

Steaks, loins and filet por­ti­ons from fast swim­ming pela­gic pre­d­a­tors are meaty with a firm con­sis­tence and inten­sive taste. As Sashimi and from the bar­be­cue alike, tuna, king­fish and but­ter macke­rel are gas­tro­no­mi­cal highlights.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
"Hira­masa" king­fish fil­let skin on ivp16561, 3-1, 8 kgabt. 12 kg
Snake Macke­rel Fil­let skin off iqf1122abt. 1-2 kgabt. 15 kg
Snake Macke­rel Fil­let skin on iqf1119abt. 2-3 kgabt. 15 kg

Other Saltwater Fish & Carcasses

Fish car­cas­ses for broths and addi­tio­nal salt­wa­ter fish pro­ducts sup­ple­ment our assort­ment in this pro­duct group.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Fish­bo­dies10595 kg

Freshwater Fish

Freshwa­ter fish might not have the same signi­fi­cance as salt­wa­ter fish today; howe­ver tila­pia is one of the most sus­tainably pro­du­ci­ble ani­mal pro­te­ins and is just like zan­der, pike or Vic­to­ria perch a real culi­nary delight. Par­ti­cu­larly for large-scale con­su­mers pan­gasius fish can­not be mis­sed, which comes princi­pally from cer­ti­fied aquacultures.


The best pri­ced fish from South East Asia is being pro­du­ced mostly sus­tainably and respon­si­bly today. The meat qua­lity is on a good level. We offer this cat­fish type as filet and we also stock ASC-cer­ti­fied goods.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
ASC Pan­gasius fil­let skin off che­mi­cal free iqf1295170/220 g5 kg
Pan­gasius fil­let skin off che­mi­cal free iqf certified1237170/230 g10x1 kg
Pan­gasius fil­let skin off che­mi­cal free iqf certified1293170/230 g5 kg
Pan­gasius fil­let skin off che­mi­cal free iqf cer­ti­fied Gourmaitre12373170/230 g10x1 kg
Pan­gasius fil­let skin off iqf1263120/170 g10x1 kg
Pan­gasius fil­let skin off iqf1260170/230 g10x1 kg
Pan­gasius fil­let skin off iqf1265220 g/10x1 kg
Pan­gasius fil­let skin off iqf Gourmaitre12603170/230 g10x1 kg


The attrac­tive filets with the red­dish stri­pes along the side line are tasty and rea­son­ably pri­ced. Not just because of their her­bi­vo­r­ous diet these cich­lids are inex­pen­sive and can be pro­du­ced par­ti­cu­larly sustainably.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
ASC Tila­pia fil­let, skin off, iqf1278140/170 g5 kg
Tila­pia fil­let skin off iqf1280140/200 g5 kg
Tila­pia fil­let skin off iqf1281140/200 g10x1 kg
Tila­pia fil­let skin off che­mi­cal free iqf127980/140 g5 kg
Tila­pia fil­let skin off che­mi­cal free iqf1239140/200 g5 kg
Tila­pia fil­let skin off che­mi­cal free iqf1277160/180 g5 kg
Tila­pia fil­let skin off che­mi­cal free iqf1287160/180 g10x1 kg

Zander & Pike

We always have these Euro­pean clas­sics on stock. These typi­cal pre­d­a­tors are caught pri­ma­rily in Kazakh­stan or Rus­sia and are care­fully sca­led and pro­fes­sio­nally pro­ces­sed to filets there.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Pike fil­let skin off iqf1100200/400 g10 kg
Pike fil­let skin off iqf1105200/400 g10 kg
Pike fil­let skin off iqf1108200/400 g5 kg
Pike fil­let skin off iqf1104200/400 g5 kg
Pike­perch cheaks skin off iqf11705 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf109670/110 g5 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1094110/170 g5 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1097120/170 g5 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1091170/230 g5 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1098170/230 g5 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1093230/300 g5 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1092230/300 g5 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1174300/500 g5 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1175300/500 g5 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1176300/500 g5 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1173300/500 g5 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1171500/800 g5 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1177500/800 g5 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1178500/800 g5 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1172500/800 g10 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1179800 g /10 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1180800 g /10 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1185800 g /5 kg
Pike­perch fil­let skin on iqf1095500 g20x500 g

Other Freshwater Fish

The diver­sity of culi­nary pre­cious freshwa­ter fish is often unde­re­sti­ma­ted. Various fur­ther inte­res­ting spe­cies come from aquacul­ture as well as from freshwa­ter fishing.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Cat­fish fil­let skin off, iqf1063200 g /5 kg
Nile perch fil­let skin off ivp1150200/500 g6 kg

Salmon & Trout

Most sal­mo­n­ids are exqui­site edi­ble fish. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, essen­tial amino acids and easily diges­ti­ble pro­te­ins. Cer­tainly we offer the Atlan­tic sal­mon from aquacul­ture. Fur­ther­more you can find dif­fe­rent pro­ducts of Paci­fic sal­mon caught wild. The clas­sics char and trout can­not be missed.

Char & Trout

Rain­bow trout, sal­mon trout and char from aquacul­tures for instance in Ice­land, Den­mark and Tur­key are avail­able as filet, in por­ti­ons and par­ti­ally as whole fish.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Arc­tic char fil­lets skin on iqf1396160/200 g5 kg
Arc­tic char fil­lets skin on iqf1399150/250 g5 kg
Arc­tic char fil­lets skin on iqf1398250/400 g5 kg
Rain­bow trout whole1216abt. 260-280 g5 kg
Rain­bow trout whole, 500g box13313200/30010 x 500g
Sal­mon trout fil­let skin on iqf1217200/270 g5 kg

Atlantic Salmon

The Atlan­tic sal­mon is one of the most important aquacul­ture fish world­wide. We offer it from Nor­way or Chile in various pro­ces­sed states.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Sal­mon fil­let por­ti­ons skin off ivp1369abt.150 g5 kg
Sal­mon fil­let por­ti­ons skin off ivp1372abt.150 g5x2 kg
Sal­mon fil­let trim C13970, 4 kg, 9-110 kg
Sal­mon fil­let trim C ivp13820-1, 1, 5 kg10 Sei­ten
Sal­mon fil­let trim D13881, 3-1, 8 kg25 kg

Pacific Salmon

“Ora King” – king sal­mon from New Zea­land aquacul­ture is a high­light due to its almost red color and the highly aro­ma­tic taste. Fur­ther­more we offer Paci­fic sal­mon caught wild usually fil­le­ted and por­tio­ned. Chum sal­mon is an eco­no­mi­cal alter­na­tive to Atlan­tic salmon.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Keta-Lachse ohne Kopf, ausgenommen13006/9 lbs4 kg, 45
Keta-Lachse ohne Kopf, ausgenommen13186/9 lbs22, 7 kg
Kings­al­mon fil­lets „Ora King“13894 kg, abt. 112 kg
Paci­fic sal­mon fil­let por­ti­ons skin off 11-131375140/160 g10x1 kg
Paci­fic sal­mon fil­let por­ti­ons skin off 11-131373140/160 g5 kg
Paci­fic sal­mon fil­let por­ti­ons skin off 11-131378160/180 g10x1 kg
Paci­fic sal­mon fil­let por­ti­ons skin off 11-131374160/180 g5 kg
Paci­fic sal­mon fil­let por­ti­ons skin off 13+1376140/160 g10x1 kg
Paci­fic sal­mon fil­let por­ti­ons skin off 13+1380140/160 g5 kg
Paci­fic sal­mon fil­let por­ti­ons skin off 13+1377160/180 g10x1 kg
Paci­fic sal­mon fil­let por­ti­ons skin off 13+1379160/180 g5 kg
Paci­fic sal­mon steaks1110175/225 g5 kg

Smoked & Pickled Fish

We have a small choice of pre­mium smo­ked and gra­ved pro­ducts. When sal­ted in brine or dried the filets dehy­drate and are even­tually smo­ked. A dry mix of salt and sugar with selec­ted spi­ces and herbs is used for graving.

Smoked Fish

We trade espe­cially smo­ked sal­mon with or without skin. Sal­mon pra­li­nes are an eye-cat­cher on every buf­fet or as fin­ger food.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Smo­ked atlan­tic sal­mon fil­lets pre-sli­ced skin off27506 kg, 9-1, abt. 010 Sei­ten
Smo­ked atlan­tic sal­mon fil­lets pre-sli­ced skin on27566 kg, 9-1, abt. 010 Sei­ten
Smo­ked sal­mon con­fect 15 pieces265010 g8x150 g

Graved Fish

Gra­ved sal­mon or Grav­lax liter­ally means “buried sal­mon”. The method to pre­serve fresh fish for several weeks was deve­lo­ped by Scan­di­na­vi­ans cen­tu­ries ago. We always have the gra­ved spe­cialty on stock.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Atlan­tic Sal­mon Fil­lets Gra­ved Style pre-sliced27616 kg, 9-1, abt. 010 Sei­ten