Saltwater Fish
We import saltÂwaÂter fish in difÂfeÂrent proÂcesÂsed staÂtes from all over the world. There is HiraÂmasa KingÂfish from AusÂtraÂlian aquaculÂture, cold water fish from NorÂway and IceÂland, douÂble-frosÂted goods from the Far East or MediÂterÂraÂnean clasÂsics like sea bass or gilÂthead. We have almost everÂything that oriÂgiÂnaÂtes from the water. AltogÂeÂther we put an emphaÂsis on transÂpaÂrent quaÂlity stanÂdards and sustainability.
White meat and a deliÂcate taste are the first thoughts that come to mind when thinÂking about flatÂfish. We offer North Sea clasÂsics like sole, plaice and turÂbot as well as imporÂted goods from the AtlanÂtic and the PaciÂfic Ocean.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
DoverÂsole filÂlets skin off iqf | 908 | 80/120 g | 5 kg | | |
DoverÂsole gutÂted iqf | 906 | 400/500 g | 10 kg | | |
DoverÂsole gutÂted iqf | 909 | 500/700 g | 10 kg | | |
Plaice ready to cook iqf | 1055 | 525/575 g | 10 kg | | |
ScholÂlen-DopÂpelÂfiÂlet ohne schwarze Haut | 1052 | 140/160 g | 10x1 kg | | |
TroÂpiÂcal sole filÂlet 2-3 pieÂces wrapped | 1012 | 60/120g | 6x2 kg | | |
TroÂpiÂcal sole sinÂgle filÂlets indiÂviÂduÂally wrapped | 1250 | 90/120g | 6x2 kg | | |
TurÂbot filÂlet skin off iqf | 1124 | 100/200 g | 5 kg | | |
TurÂbot gutÂted iqf | 1121 | 3000/4000 g | abt.15 kg | | |
TurÂbot gutÂted iqf | 1125 | 4000 g | abt.15 kg | |
Cold Water Fish
Cold water fish are espeÂcially tasty and verÂsaÂtile. Cod, AlasÂkan pollÂack or redÂfish are among these, besÂiÂdes less famous speÂcies like the PataÂgoÂnian ArcÂtic hake.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
Alaska polÂlock filÂlet skin off iqf | 1270 | 140/160 g | 10x1 kg | | |
Alaska polÂlock filÂlet skin off iqf | 1271 | 160/180 g | 10x1 kg | | |
Alaska polÂlock filÂlet skin off iqf | 1282 | 140/160 g | 5 kg | | |
Alaska polÂlock filÂlet skin off iqf | 1255 | 160/180 g | 5 kg | | |
AtlanÂtic cod filÂlet porÂtiÂons skin off iqf | 1231 | 160/180g | 5 kg | | |
AtlanÂtic redÂfish skin off iqf | 1134 | 140/160 g | 5 kg | | |
AtlanÂtic redÂfish skin off iqf | 1135 | 160/180 g | 5 kg | | |
AtlanÂtic redÂfish skin off iqf | 1136 | 180/200 g | 5 kg | | |
AtlanÂtic redÂfish skin off iqf | 1156 | 140/160 g | 10x1 kg | | |
AtlanÂtic redÂfish skin off iqf | 1157 | 160/180 g | 10x1 kg | | |
AtlanÂtic redÂfish skin off iqf | 1158 | 180/200 g | 10x1 kg | | |
Cape hake filÂlet skin off iqf | 1186 | 120/180 g | 8x1 kg | | |
CatÂfish filÂlet skin off interleaved | 1131 | 400/800 g | 4x6 kg | | |
CatÂfish loins skin off iqf | 1133 | 160/180 g | 5 kg | | |
MonÂkfish tails skin on iqf | 1205 | abt. 2-4 kg | 25 kg | | |
MSC Alaska polÂlock filÂlet skin off iqf Gourmaitre | 12703 | 140/160 g | 10x1kg | | |
MSC Alaska polÂlock filÂlet skin off iqf Gourmaitre | 12823 | 140/160 g | 5kg | | |
MSC Alaska polÂlock filÂlet skin off iqf Gourmaitre | 12713 | 160/180 g | 10x1kg | | |
MSC Alaska polÂlock filÂlet skin off iqf Gourmaitre | 12553 | 160/180 g | 5 kg | | |
MSC AtlanÂtic cod loins skin off iqf | 1360 | 140/160 g | 5 kg | | |
MSC AtlanÂtic cod loins skin off iqf | 1359 | 180/200 g | 5 kg | | |
MSC hake filÂlet skin off iqf | 1184 | 120/170 g | 10x1 kg | | |
MSC MakreÂlen, ganz | 1601 | 250/500 g | 5x2 kg | | |
MSC saithe filÂlet skin off iqf | 1187 | 160/180 g | 5 kg | | |
MSC saithe loins skin off iqf | 1361 | 140/160 g | 5 kg | | |
MSC saithe loins skin off iqf | 1189 | 160/180 g | 5 kg | | |
PaciÂfic cod filÂlet porÂtiÂons skin off iqf | 1223 | 140/160g | 5 kg | | |
PaciÂfic cod filÂlet porÂtiÂons skin off iqf | 1224 | 160/180g | 5 kg | | |
PaciÂfic cod loins skin off iqf | 1240 | 140/160 g | 5 kg | | |
PaciÂfic cod loins skin off iqf | 1247 | 160/180 g | 5 kg | | |
PaciÂfic cod loins skin off iqf | 1266 | 140/160 g | 10x1 kg | | |
PaciÂfic cod loins skin off iqf | 1258 | 160/180 g | 10x1 kg | | |
PaciÂfic cod loins skin off iqf | 1246 | 160/180 g | 5 kg | | |
PaciÂfic cod loins skin off iqf | 1259 | 160/180 g | 10x1 kg | | |
PaciÂfic redÂfish skin off iqf | 1141 | 140/160 g | 5 kg | | |
PaciÂfic redÂfish skin off iqf | 1155 | 160/180 g | 5 kg | | |
PaciÂfic redÂfish skin off iqf | 1154 | 180/220 g | 5 kg | | |
PaciÂfic redÂfish skin off iqf | 1159 | 140/160 g | 10x1 kg | | |
PaciÂfic redÂfish skin off iqf | 1160 | 160/180 g | 10x1 kg | | |
PaciÂfic redÂfish skin off iqf | 1161 | 180/200 g | 10x1 kg | | |
Saithe filÂlet skin off iqf | 1233 | 140/160 g | 5 kg | | |
Saithe filÂlet skin off iqf | 1145 | 160/180 g | 5 kg | | |
Saithe filÂlet skin off iqf | 1146 | 160/180 g | 10x1 kg | | |
Saithe loins skin off iqf | 1148 | 140/160 g | 5 kg | | |
Saithe loins skin off iqf | 1152 | 160/180 g | 10x1 kg | | |
Saithe loins skin off iqf | 1149 | 160/180 g | 5 kg | | |
Saithe loins skin off iqf | 1147 | 160/180 g | 5 kg | | |
SpotÂted catÂfish filÂlet skin off interleaves | 1228 | 800 g | 3x9 kg | | |
ToothÂfish whole iqf | 1254 | 4-5 kg/pcs | abt. 25 kg | |
Gilthead & Sea Bass
ComÂmonly fried on the skin, barÂbeÂcued or steaÂmed gilÂthead and sea bass are an all-time favoÂrite in the MediÂterÂraÂnean cuiÂsine. We priÂmaÂrily trade fish filets from EuroÂpean aquaculture.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
Sea bream filÂlet skin on iqf | 1689 | 80/120 g | 5 kg | | |
Sea bream filÂlet skin on iqf | 1707 | 120/160 g | 5 kg | | |
Sea bream whole iqf | 1693 | 300/400 g | 5 kg | | |
SeaÂbass filÂlet skin on iqf | 1690 | 80/120 g | 5 kg | | |
SeaÂbass filÂlet skin on iqf | 1674 | 120/160 g | 5 kg | | |
SeaÂbass whole iqf | 1698 | 300/400 g | 5 kg | |
Warm Water & Exotic Fish
ExoÂtic fish like the colorÂful parÂrotÂfish or the parÂtiÂcuÂlarly deliÂcious red mulÂlet are well-spread in the EuroÂpean seaÂfood trade. GrouÂper or barraÂmundi are less freÂquent. EspeÂcially filets on the skin are pleaÂsant treÂats from the barÂbeÂcue or the pan.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
BarraÂmundi filÂlet skin on iqf Gourmaitre | 12903 | 170/230 g | 10x1 kg | | |
GrouÂper filÂlet skin on iqf Gourmaitre | 17013 | 170/230 g | 10x1 kg | | |
GurÂnard filÂlets, skin on, iqf | 16703 | 100/150 g | 10x1 kg | | |
John dory filÂlets, skin on, iqf | 16773 | 150/200 g | 10x1 kg | | |
ParÂrotÂfish filÂlet skin on iqf Gourmaitre | 12493 | 170/220 g | 10x1 kg | | |
Red mulÂlet filÂlet skin on iqf | 1664 | 20/40 g | 10x1 kg | | |
Red mulÂlet filÂlet skin on iqf | 1662 | 40/80 g | 10x1 kg | | |
Red mulÂlet filÂlet skin on iqf | 1242 | 60/80 g | 10x1 kg | | |
Red mulÂlet filÂlet skin on iqf | 1705 | 80/120 g | 10x1 kg | | |
Red mulÂlet filÂlet skin on iqf Gourmaitre | 16643 | 20/40 g | 10x1 kg | | |
Red mulÂlet filÂlet skin on iqf Gourmaitre | 16623 | 40/80 g | 10x1 kg | | |
Red mulÂlet filÂlet skin on iqf Gourmaitre | 12423 | 60/80 g | 10x1 kg | | |
Red mulÂlet filÂlet skin on iqf Gourmaitre | 17053 | 80/120 g | 10x1 kg | | |
Smooth oreo dory skin off iqf | 1218 | 60/100 g | 5 kg | | |
Smooth oreo dory skin off iqf | 1275 | 60/115 g | 5 kg | | |
Smooth oreo dory skin off iqf | 1219 | 100/150 g | 5 kg | | |
Smooth oreo dory skin off iqf | 1276 | 110/170 g | 5 kg | | |
Smooth oreo dory skin off iqf | 1284 | 170/225 g | 5 kg | | |
Smooth oreo dory skin off iqf | 1285 | 225 g/ | 5 kg | | |
SnapÂper filÂlet skin on iqf Gourmaitre | 16413 | 170/230 g | 10x1 kg | | |
StarÂgaÂzer filÂlet skin off iqf | 1215 | 200/400 g | 5 kg | |
Pelagic Fish
Steaks, loins and filet porÂtiÂons from fast swimÂming pelaÂgic preÂdÂaÂtors are meaty with a firm conÂsisÂtence and intenÂsive taste. As Sashimi and from the barÂbeÂcue alike, tuna, kingÂfish and butÂter mackeÂrel are gasÂtroÂnoÂmiÂcal highlights.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
"HiraÂmasa" kingÂfish filÂlet skin on ivp | 1656 | 1, 3-1, 8 kg | abt. 12 kg | | |
Snake MackeÂrel FilÂlet skin off iqf | 1122 | abt. 1-2 kg | abt. 15 kg | | |
Snake MackeÂrel FilÂlet skin on iqf | 1119 | abt. 2-3 kg | abt. 15 kg | |
Other Saltwater Fish & Carcasses
Fish carÂcasÂses for broths and addiÂtioÂnal saltÂwaÂter fish proÂducts supÂpleÂment our assortÂment in this proÂduct group.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
FishÂboÂdies | 1059 | 5 kg | |
Freshwater Fish
FreshwaÂter fish might not have the same signiÂfiÂcance as saltÂwaÂter fish today; howeÂver tilaÂpia is one of the most susÂtainably proÂduÂciÂble aniÂmal proÂteÂins and is just like zanÂder, pike or VicÂtoÂria perch a real culiÂnary delight. ParÂtiÂcuÂlarly for large-scale conÂsuÂmers panÂgasius fish canÂnot be misÂsed, which comes princiÂpally from cerÂtiÂfied aquacultures.
The best priÂced fish from South East Asia is being proÂduÂced mostly susÂtainably and responÂsiÂbly today. The meat quaÂlity is on a good level. We offer this catÂfish type as filet and we also stock ASC-cerÂtiÂfied goods.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
ASC PanÂgasius filÂlet skin off cheÂmiÂcal free iqf | 1295 | 170/220 g | 5 kg | | |
PanÂgasius filÂlet skin off cheÂmiÂcal free iqf certified | 1237 | 170/230 g | 10x1 kg | | |
PanÂgasius filÂlet skin off cheÂmiÂcal free iqf certified | 1293 | 170/230 g | 5 kg | | |
PanÂgasius filÂlet skin off cheÂmiÂcal free iqf cerÂtiÂfied Gourmaitre | 12373 | 170/230 g | 10x1 kg | | |
PanÂgasius filÂlet skin off iqf | 1263 | 120/170 g | 10x1 kg | | |
PanÂgasius filÂlet skin off iqf | 1260 | 170/230 g | 10x1 kg | | |
PanÂgasius filÂlet skin off iqf | 1265 | 220 g/ | 10x1 kg | | |
PanÂgasius filÂlet skin off iqf Gourmaitre | 12603 | 170/230 g | 10x1 kg | |
The attracÂtive filets with the redÂdish striÂpes along the side line are tasty and reaÂsonÂably priÂced. Not just because of their herÂbiÂvoÂrÂous diet these cichÂlids are inexÂpenÂsive and can be proÂduÂced parÂtiÂcuÂlarly sustainably.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
ASC TilaÂpia filÂlet, skin off, iqf | 1278 | 140/170 g | 5 kg | | |
TilaÂpia filÂlet skin off iqf | 1280 | 140/200 g | 5 kg | | |
TilaÂpia filÂlet skin off iqf | 1281 | 140/200 g | 10x1 kg | | |
TilaÂpia filÂlet skin off cheÂmiÂcal free iqf | 1279 | 80/140 g | 5 kg | | |
TilaÂpia filÂlet skin off cheÂmiÂcal free iqf | 1239 | 140/200 g | 5 kg | | |
TilaÂpia filÂlet skin off cheÂmiÂcal free iqf | 1277 | 160/180 g | 5 kg | | |
TilaÂpia filÂlet skin off cheÂmiÂcal free iqf | 1287 | 160/180 g | 10x1 kg | |
Zander & Pike
We always have these EuroÂpean clasÂsics on stock. These typiÂcal preÂdÂaÂtors are caught priÂmaÂrily in KazakhÂstan or RusÂsia and are careÂfully scaÂled and proÂfesÂsioÂnally proÂcesÂsed to filets there.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
Pike filÂlet skin off iqf | 1100 | 200/400 g | 10 kg | | |
Pike filÂlet skin off iqf | 1105 | 200/400 g | 10 kg | | |
Pike filÂlet skin off iqf | 1108 | 200/400 g | 5 kg | | |
Pike filÂlet skin off iqf | 1104 | 200/400 g | 5 kg | | |
PikeÂperch cheaks skin off iqf | 1170 | 5 kg | | ||
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1096 | 70/110 g | 5 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1094 | 110/170 g | 5 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1097 | 120/170 g | 5 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1091 | 170/230 g | 5 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1098 | 170/230 g | 5 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1093 | 230/300 g | 5 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1092 | 230/300 g | 5 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1174 | 300/500 g | 5 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1175 | 300/500 g | 5 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1176 | 300/500 g | 5 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1173 | 300/500 g | 5 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1171 | 500/800 g | 5 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1177 | 500/800 g | 5 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1178 | 500/800 g | 5 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1172 | 500/800 g | 10 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1179 | 800 g / | 10 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1180 | 800 g / | 10 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1185 | 800 g / | 5 kg | | |
PikeÂperch filÂlet skin on iqf | 1095 | 500 g | 20x500 g | |
Other Freshwater Fish
The diverÂsity of culiÂnary preÂcious freshwaÂter fish is often undeÂreÂstiÂmaÂted. Various furÂther inteÂresÂting speÂcies come from aquaculÂture as well as from freshwaÂter fishing.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
CatÂfish filÂlet skin off, iqf | 1063 | 200 g / | 5 kg | | |
Nile perch filÂlet skin off ivp | 1150 | 200/500 g | 6 kg | |
Salmon & Trout
Most salÂmoÂnÂids are exquiÂsite ediÂble fish. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, essenÂtial amino acids and easily digesÂtiÂble proÂteÂins. CerÂtainly we offer the AtlanÂtic salÂmon from aquaculÂture. FurÂtherÂmore you can find difÂfeÂrent proÂducts of PaciÂfic salÂmon caught wild. The clasÂsics char and trout canÂnot be missed.
Char & Trout
RainÂbow trout, salÂmon trout and char from aquaculÂtures for instance in IceÂland, DenÂmark and TurÂkey are availÂable as filet, in porÂtiÂons and parÂtiÂally as whole fish.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
ArcÂtic char filÂlets skin on iqf | 1396 | 160/200 g | 5 kg | | |
ArcÂtic char filÂlets skin on iqf | 1399 | 150/250 g | 5 kg | | |
ArcÂtic char filÂlets skin on iqf | 1398 | 250/400 g | 5 kg | | |
RainÂbow trout whole | 1216 | abt. 260-280 g | 5 kg | | |
RainÂbow trout whole, 500g box | 13313 | 200/300 | 10 x 500g | | |
SalÂmon trout filÂlet skin on iqf | 1217 | 200/270 g | 5 kg | |
Atlantic Salmon
The AtlanÂtic salÂmon is one of the most important aquaculÂture fish worldÂwide. We offer it from NorÂway or Chile in various proÂcesÂsed states.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
SalÂmon filÂlet porÂtiÂons skin off ivp | 1369 | abt.150 g | 5 kg | | |
SalÂmon filÂlet porÂtiÂons skin off ivp | 1372 | abt.150 g | 5x2 kg | | |
SalÂmon filÂlet trim C | 1397 | 0, 4 kg, 9-1 | 10 kg | | |
SalÂmon filÂlet trim C ivp | 1382 | 0-1, 1, 5 kg | 10 SeiÂten | | |
SalÂmon filÂlet trim D | 1388 | 1, 3-1, 8 kg | 25 kg | |
Pacific Salmon
“Ora King” – king salÂmon from New ZeaÂland aquaculÂture is a highÂlight due to its almost red color and the highly aroÂmaÂtic taste. FurÂtherÂmore we offer PaciÂfic salÂmon caught wild usually filÂleÂted and porÂtioÂned. Chum salÂmon is an ecoÂnoÂmiÂcal alterÂnaÂtive to AtlanÂtic salmon.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
Keta-Lachse ohne Kopf, ausgenommen | 1300 | 6/9 lbs | 4 kg, 45 | | |
Keta-Lachse ohne Kopf, ausgenommen | 1318 | 6/9 lbs | 22, 7 kg | | |
KingsÂalÂmon filÂlets „Ora King“ | 1389 | 4 kg, abt. 1 | 12 kg | | |
PaciÂfic salÂmon filÂlet porÂtiÂons skin off 11-13 | 1375 | 140/160 g | 10x1 kg | | |
PaciÂfic salÂmon filÂlet porÂtiÂons skin off 11-13 | 1373 | 140/160 g | 5 kg | | |
PaciÂfic salÂmon filÂlet porÂtiÂons skin off 11-13 | 1378 | 160/180 g | 10x1 kg | | |
PaciÂfic salÂmon filÂlet porÂtiÂons skin off 11-13 | 1374 | 160/180 g | 5 kg | | |
PaciÂfic salÂmon filÂlet porÂtiÂons skin off 13+ | 1376 | 140/160 g | 10x1 kg | | |
PaciÂfic salÂmon filÂlet porÂtiÂons skin off 13+ | 1380 | 140/160 g | 5 kg | | |
PaciÂfic salÂmon filÂlet porÂtiÂons skin off 13+ | 1377 | 160/180 g | 10x1 kg | | |
PaciÂfic salÂmon filÂlet porÂtiÂons skin off 13+ | 1379 | 160/180 g | 5 kg | | |
PaciÂfic salÂmon steaks | 1110 | 175/225 g | 5 kg | |
Smoked & Pickled Fish
We have a small choice of preÂmium smoÂked and graÂved proÂducts. When salÂted in brine or dried the filets dehyÂdrate and are evenÂtually smoÂked. A dry mix of salt and sugar with selecÂted spiÂces and herbs is used for graving.
Smoked Fish
We trade espeÂcially smoÂked salÂmon with or without skin. SalÂmon praÂliÂnes are an eye-catÂcher on every bufÂfet or as finÂger food.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
SmoÂked atlanÂtic salÂmon filÂlets pre-sliÂced skin off | 2750 | 6 kg, 9-1, abt. 0 | 10 SeiÂten | | |
SmoÂked atlanÂtic salÂmon filÂlets pre-sliÂced skin on | 2756 | 6 kg, 9-1, abt. 0 | 10 SeiÂten | | |
SmoÂked salÂmon conÂfect 15 pieces | 2650 | 10 g | 8x150 g | |
Graved Fish
GraÂved salÂmon or GravÂlax literÂally means “buried salÂmon”. The method to preÂserve fresh fish for several weeks was deveÂloÂped by ScanÂdiÂnaÂviÂans cenÂtuÂries ago. We always have the graÂved speÂcialty on stock.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
AtlanÂtic SalÂmon FilÂlets GraÂved Style pre-sliced | 2761 | 6 kg, 9-1, abt. 0 | 10 SeiÂten | |