Fingerfood & Dessert

There are three pro­duct groups among fin­ger food and des­sert: brea­ded prawns usually from Viet­nam, various ske­wers, clas­sic Asian Dim Sum, sweet and savory and Ita­lian ice cream from Gio­lito. Ever­yone finds some­thing of his taste here. Fin­ger food is pro­du­ced espe­cially for us and con­vin­ces with its authen­tic fla­vor nuan­ces from the Asian kit­chen, our tra­di­tio­nal Ita­lian ice cream with real fla­vors and a mouth-wate­ring creaminess. 


Whe­ther for cate­ring, buf­fets, ban­quets or Asian restau­rants: fin­ger food remains a great sub­ject. Our pro­duct range offers diver­si­fied Dim Sum, sweet and savory, impor­ted pri­ma­rily from Thai­land or Viet­nam. Various ske­wers com­plete our assort­ment tog­e­ther with dif­fe­rent sushi-types. We are con­stantly sear­ching for new spe­cial­ties and pro­du­cers to fur­ther­more improve our supe­rior assortment.

Fingerfood Prawns

Bes­i­des diverse prawns and prawn ske­wers we offer a wide range of brea­ded pro­ducts. You can find ever­ything from twis­ters or cigars to prawn popcorn.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Brea­ded "but­ter­fly" prawns60331/35
Brea­ded prawns "tor­pedo"68521/25
Brea­ded prawns "tor­pedo"67926/30
prawns in crun­chy breading59726/30
Shrimp Twis­ter - prawns wrap­ped in potato3144abt. 25 g


Sate, pre­fer­a­bly char­coal gril­led with a deli­cate pea­nut sauce known from Thai­land or Indo­ne­sia, has become an all-time favo­rite in Europe just like the Japa­nese Yaki­tori. The assort­ment is sup­ple­men­ted by inte­res­ting vari­ants like vege­ta­ble ske­wers in tem­pura dough.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Chi­cken satĂ©310330g /skewer
Chi­cken ske­wer lemongras314730g /skewer
Chi­cken ske­wer mango314630g /skewer
Kai Satay and pea­nut sauce310240 ske­we­ren Ă  15g
Tem­pura prawn and vege­ta­ble skewer258030g /skewer
Tem­pura vege­ta­ble skewer312830g /skewer
Yaki­tori chi­cken skewer312225g /skewer

Dim Sum to fry and roast

The majo­rity of the clas­sic savory Dim Sum is made up of fil­led dough bags. The fil­ling can con­sists of all ima­gin­able types of fish, marine ani­mals or sea­food. Favo­ri­tes to fry are for example king prawn in crispy “Japa­nese” brea­ding, vege­ta­rian mini spring rolls or samosas.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
"Ente im Quadrat"3105SpieĂźe Ă  ca. 50 g
Chi­cken spring roll3124abt. 20 g/pcs
Chi­cken spring roll260270 g/pcs
Cock­tail Sticks green curry with shrimp3140abt. 13 g/pcs
Cock­tail Sticks green curry with shrimp2549abt. 13 g/pcs
Crispy Sushi roll gin­ger chicken2741abt. 100 g/pcs
Crispy Sushi roll teri­yaki chicken2743abt. 100 g/pcs
Dim Sum ASIA mix „Bang­kok“27326x1 kg
Eda­mame Rolls - Soja­boh­nen in Teig2530
Samosa „Sea­food“2568abt. 16 g/pcs
Samosa vege­ta­ble2725abt. 16 g/pcs
San­si­bar "Crispy Mix"2754
Sea­food Deli2573abt. 15 g/pcs
Spring roll „Shrimp“2564abt. 30g /pcs
Vege­ta­ble spring roll mini2594abt. 10 g /pcs
Vege­ta­ble spring roll mini2546abt. 10 g /pcs
Wan­tan Holy Basil3123abt. 25 g/pcs

Dim Sum to steam

A gentle and healthy coo­king method is stea­ming. The typi­cal bam­boo bas­kets from the Asian stea­ming kit­chen are well known to most guests by now. We offer clas­sic vari­ants like Ha Kao and Shao Mai or varia­ti­ons like our cab­bage rolls.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Cab­ba­ge­roll2690abt. 30 g/pcs
Hakau vege­ta­ble314548-53 pcs
Shu Mai shrimp3157abt. 20 g/pcs
Shu Mai shrimp wrap noodle3150abt. 20 g/pcs

Dessert & Sweets

There is a con­ti­nuous growth in the popu­la­rity of our fruity-sweet Dim Sum vari­ants like banana balls in tem­pura dough or the temp­t­ing coco­nut balls, both to bake.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Banana spring roll310060 pcs abt. 25 g
Coco­nut balls (Kha­nom Tom)3111abt. 25 g/ pcs
Tem­pura banana balls3134

Giolito ice cream specialties

The family-run Ghisolfi Gela­te­ria embo­dies real Ita­lian ice cream craft­s­manship. For the pro­duc­tion of the Gio­lito Gelati and Gio­lito Sor­betti the hig­hest requi­re­ments con­cer­ning qua­lity and craft apply. Only the best and fres­hest ingre­dients are uti­li­zed, the use of addi­tio­nal arti­fi­cial pre­ser­va­ti­ves and colo­ring is deli­ber­ately refrai­ned from. In coope­ra­tion with high-class patis­siers and well known chefs an exci­ting and varied diver­sity of milk ice cream and sor­bets is crea­ted. Gio­lito sets new stan­dards – it is a must try!

Milk ice cream creations

The pre­mium milk ice cream spe­cial­ties from Gio­lito stand out due to their ten­der taste and match­less creamy tex­ture. All milk ice cream fla­vors are made from fresh raw milk which is pas­teu­ri­zed directly in the factory.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingWatch­list
Ama­retti - Milk ice cream with Amaretti32592, 5 l
Cacao- Milk ice cream with chocolate3297500 ml
Cacao- Milk ice cream with chocolate32132, 5 l
Caffè- Milk ice cream coffee3227500 ml
Cioc­co­lato bianco- Milk ice cream with white chocolate3242500 ml
Cioc­co­lato puro- lac­to­se­free ice cream with dark chocolate3231500 ml
Cocco- Milk ice cream coconut3219500 ml
Cocco- Milk ice cream coconut32012, 5 l
Mas­car­pone Ă© Tonka- Milk ice cream with tonka bean taste3237500 ml
Mas­car­pone Ă© Tonka- Milk ice cream with tonka bean taste32072, 5 l
Menta Cioc­co­lato Milch­eis mit Scho­ko­lade und Minze3246500 ml
Noc­ciola- Milk ice cream with hazelnut3226500 ml
Panna e Amarena- Milk ice cream with saur cherrys3221500 ml
Pist­ac­chio- Milk ice cream with pistachios3263500 ml
Strac­cia­tella- Milk ice cream with cho­co­late flakes3217500 ml
Tor­rone- Milk ice cream with white nougat3247500 ml
Tor­rone- Milk ice cream with white nougat32622, 5 l
Vanig­lia- Milk ice cream with vanilla3220500 ml
Vanig­lia- Milk ice cream with vanilla32082, 5 l
Yogurt- Milk ice cream with yogurt3223500 ml

Sorbet creations

The delight­ful sor­bets with high fruit con­tent are a spe­cial treat even for sophisti­ca­ted users. Bet­ween the cour­ses, as des­sert or refresh­ment on hot days – Gio­lito sor­bet crea­ti­ons are bey­ond com­pa­ri­son when loo­king for refres­hing frui­ti­ness and a natu­ral fla­vor at the same time.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingWatch­list
Ana­nas sor­betto- Pineapple sorbet3218500 ml
Ana­nas sor­betto- Pineapple sorbet32002, 5 l
Cin­am­mon sor­bet with wodka32062, 5 l
Fra­gola e Fra­go­line-straw­berry sorbet3279500 ml
Fra­gola sor­betto- straw­berry sorbet32602, 5 l
Lam­pone sor­betto- Raspberry sorbet3244500 ml
Lam­pone sor­betto- Raspberry sorbet32392, 5 l
Lem­mon sor­bet with wodka3222500 ml
Limon­cello di Sor­rento sorbetto32492, 5 l
Limone Ă© Basi­lico sor­betto - Lemon sor­bet with basil3248500 ml
Limone Ă© Basi­lico sor­betto - Lemon sor­bet with basil32612, 5 l
Limone sor­betto- lime sorbet3224500 ml
Limone sor­betto- lime sorbet32092, 5 l
Man­da­rine sor­betto- tanga­rine sorbet3268500 ml
Man­da­rine sor­betto- tanga­rine sorbet32672, 5 l
Mango sor­betto- Mango sorbet3230500 ml
Mango sor­betto- Mango sorbet32112, 5 l
Mela verde sor­betto- green apple sorbet3240500 ml
Mir­tillo sor­betto- Blu­e­berry sorbet3225500 ml
Mir­tillo sor­betto- Blu­e­berry sorbet32102, 5 l
Mojito sor­betto-Lime sor­bet with rum and mint3235500 ml
Mojito sor­betto-Lime sor­bet with rum and mint32052, 5 l
Mora sor­betto- Black­berry sorbet3245500 ml
Mora sor­betto- Black­berry sorbet32152, 5 l
Piña Colada- Pineapple sor­bet with coco­nut and rum3233500 ml
Piña Colada- Pineapple sor­bet with coco­nut and rum32032, 5 l
Ribes rosso sor­betto - Red cur­rent sorbet3234500 ml
Ribes rosso sor­betto - Red cur­rent sorbet32642, 5 l