WheÂther for cateÂring, bufÂfets, banÂquets or Asian restauÂrants: finÂger food remains a great subÂject. Our proÂduct range offers diverÂsiÂfied Dim Sum, sweet and savory, imporÂted priÂmaÂrily from ThaiÂland or VietÂnam. Various skeÂwers comÂplete our assortÂment togÂeÂther with difÂfeÂrent sushi-types. We are conÂstantly searÂching for new speÂcialÂties and proÂduÂcers to furÂtherÂmore improve our supeÂrior assortment.
Fingerfood Prawns
BesÂiÂdes diverse prawns and prawn skeÂwers we offer a wide range of breaÂded proÂducts. You can find everÂything from twisÂters or cigars to prawn popcorn.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
BreaÂded "butÂterÂfly" prawns | 603 | 31/35 | | ||
BreaÂded prawns "torÂpedo" | 685 | 21/25 | | ||
BreaÂded prawns "torÂpedo" | 679 | 26/30 | | ||
prawns in crunÂchy breading | 597 | 26/30 | | ||
Shrimp TwisÂter - prawns wrapÂped in potato | 3144 | abt. 25 g | |
Sate, preÂferÂaÂbly charÂcoal grilÂled with a deliÂcate peaÂnut sauce known from ThaiÂland or IndoÂneÂsia, has become an all-time favoÂrite in Europe just like the JapaÂnese YakiÂtori. The assortÂment is supÂpleÂmenÂted by inteÂresÂting variÂants like vegeÂtaÂble skeÂwers in temÂpura dough.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
ChiÂcken satĂ© | 3103 | 30g /skewer | | ||
ChiÂcken skeÂwer lemongras | 3147 | 30g /skewer | | ||
ChiÂcken skeÂwer mango | 3146 | 30g /skewer | | ||
Kai Satay and peaÂnut sauce | 3102 | 40 skeÂweÂren Ă 15g | | ||
TemÂpura prawn and vegeÂtaÂble skewer | 2580 | 30g /skewer | | ||
TemÂpura vegeÂtaÂble skewer | 3128 | 30g /skewer | | ||
YakiÂtori chiÂcken skewer | 3122 | 25g /skewer | |
Dim Sum to fry and roast
The majoÂrity of the clasÂsic savory Dim Sum is made up of filÂled dough bags. The filÂling can conÂsists of all imaÂginÂable types of fish, marine aniÂmals or seaÂfood. FavoÂriÂtes to fry are for example king prawn in crispy “JapaÂnese” breaÂding, vegeÂtaÂrian mini spring rolls or samosas.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
"Ente im Quadrat" | 3105 | SpieĂźe Ă ca. 50 g | | ||
ChiÂcken spring roll | 3124 | abt. 20 g/pcs | | ||
ChiÂcken spring roll | 2602 | 70 g/pcs | | ||
CockÂtail Sticks green curry with shrimp | 3140 | abt. 13 g/pcs | | ||
CockÂtail Sticks green curry with shrimp | 2549 | abt. 13 g/pcs | | ||
Crispy Sushi roll ginÂger chicken | 2741 | abt. 100 g/pcs | | ||
Crispy Sushi roll teriÂyaki chicken | 2743 | abt. 100 g/pcs | | ||
Dim Sum ASIA mix „BangÂkok“ | 2732 | 6x1 kg | | ||
EdaÂmame Rolls - SojaÂbohÂnen in Teig | 2530 | | |||
Samosa „SeaÂfood“ | 2568 | abt. 16 g/pcs | | ||
Samosa vegeÂtaÂble | 2725 | abt. 16 g/pcs | | ||
SanÂsiÂbar "Crispy Mix" | 2754 | | |||
SeaÂfood Deli | 2573 | abt. 15 g/pcs | | ||
Spring roll „Shrimp“ | 2564 | abt. 30g /pcs | | ||
VegeÂtaÂble spring roll mini | 2594 | abt. 10 g /pcs | | ||
VegeÂtaÂble spring roll mini | 2546 | abt. 10 g /pcs | | ||
WanÂtan Holy Basil | 3123 | abt. 25 g/pcs | |
Dim Sum to steam
A gentle and healthy cooÂking method is steaÂming. The typiÂcal bamÂboo basÂkets from the Asian steaÂming kitÂchen are well known to most guests by now. We offer clasÂsic variÂants like Ha Kao and Shao Mai or variaÂtiÂons like our cabÂbage rolls.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
CabÂbaÂgeÂroll | 2690 | abt. 30 g/pcs | | ||
Hakau vegeÂtaÂble | 3145 | 48-53 pcs | | ||
Shu Mai shrimp | 3157 | abt. 20 g/pcs | | ||
Shu Mai shrimp wrap noodle | 3150 | abt. 20 g/pcs | |
Dessert & Sweets
There is a conÂtiÂnuous growth in the popuÂlaÂrity of our fruity-sweet Dim Sum variÂants like banana balls in temÂpura dough or the tempÂtÂing cocoÂnut balls, both to bake.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
Banana spring roll | 3100 | 60 pcs abt. 25 g | | ||
CocoÂnut balls (KhaÂnom Tom) | 3111 | abt. 25 g/ pcs | | ||
TemÂpura banana balls | 3134 | |
Giolito ice cream specialties
The family-run Ghisolfi GelaÂteÂria emboÂdies real ItaÂlian ice cream craftÂsÂmanship. For the proÂducÂtion of the GioÂlito Gelati and GioÂlito SorÂbetti the higÂhest requiÂreÂments conÂcerÂning quaÂlity and craft apply. Only the best and fresÂhest ingreÂdients are utiÂliÂzed, the use of addiÂtioÂnal artiÂfiÂcial preÂserÂvaÂtiÂves and coloÂring is deliÂberÂately refraiÂned from. In coopeÂraÂtion with high-class patisÂsiers and well known chefs an exciÂting and varied diverÂsity of milk ice cream and sorÂbets is creaÂted. GioÂlito sets new stanÂdards – it is a must try!
Milk ice cream creations
The preÂmium milk ice cream speÂcialÂties from GioÂlito stand out due to their tenÂder taste and matchÂless creamy texÂture. All milk ice cream flaÂvors are made from fresh raw milk which is pasÂteuÂriÂzed directly in the factory.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | WatchÂlist |
AmaÂretti - Milk ice cream with Amaretti | 3259 | 2, 5 l | | |
Cacao- Milk ice cream with chocolate | 3297 | 500 ml | | |
Cacao- Milk ice cream with chocolate | 3213 | 2, 5 l | | |
Caffè- Milk ice cream coffee | 3227 | 500 ml | | |
CiocÂcoÂlato bianco- Milk ice cream with white chocolate | 3242 | 500 ml | | |
CiocÂcoÂlato puro- lacÂtoÂseÂfree ice cream with dark chocolate | 3231 | 500 ml | | |
Cocco- Milk ice cream coconut | 3219 | 500 ml | | |
Cocco- Milk ice cream coconut | 3201 | 2, 5 l | | |
MasÂcarÂpone Ă© Tonka- Milk ice cream with tonka bean taste | 3237 | 500 ml | | |
MasÂcarÂpone Ă© Tonka- Milk ice cream with tonka bean taste | 3207 | 2, 5 l | | |
Menta CiocÂcoÂlato MilchÂeis mit SchoÂkoÂlade und Minze | 3246 | 500 ml | | |
NocÂciola- Milk ice cream with hazelnut | 3226 | 500 ml | | |
Panna e Amarena- Milk ice cream with saur cherrys | 3221 | 500 ml | | |
PistÂacÂchio- Milk ice cream with pistachios | 3263 | 500 ml | | |
StracÂciaÂtella- Milk ice cream with choÂcoÂlate flakes | 3217 | 500 ml | | |
TorÂrone- Milk ice cream with white nougat | 3247 | 500 ml | | |
TorÂrone- Milk ice cream with white nougat | 3262 | 2, 5 l | | |
VanigÂlia- Milk ice cream with vanilla | 3220 | 500 ml | | |
VanigÂlia- Milk ice cream with vanilla | 3208 | 2, 5 l | | |
Yogurt- Milk ice cream with yogurt | 3223 | 500 ml | |
Sorbet creations
The delightÂful sorÂbets with high fruit conÂtent are a speÂcial treat even for sophistiÂcaÂted users. BetÂween the courÂses, as desÂsert or refreshÂment on hot days – GioÂlito sorÂbet creaÂtiÂons are beyÂond comÂpaÂriÂson when looÂking for refresÂhing fruiÂtiÂness and a natuÂral flaÂvor at the same time.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | WatchÂlist |
AnaÂnas sorÂbetto- Pineapple sorbet | 3218 | 500 ml | | |
AnaÂnas sorÂbetto- Pineapple sorbet | 3200 | 2, 5 l | | |
CinÂamÂmon sorÂbet with wodka | 3206 | 2, 5 l | | |
FraÂgola e FraÂgoÂline-strawÂberry sorbet | 3279 | 500 ml | | |
FraÂgola sorÂbetto- strawÂberry sorbet | 3260 | 2, 5 l | | |
LamÂpone sorÂbetto- Raspberry sorbet | 3244 | 500 ml | | |
LamÂpone sorÂbetto- Raspberry sorbet | 3239 | 2, 5 l | | |
LemÂmon sorÂbet with wodka | 3222 | 500 ml | | |
LimonÂcello di SorÂrento sorbetto | 3249 | 2, 5 l | | |
Limone Ă© BasiÂlico sorÂbetto - Lemon sorÂbet with basil | 3248 | 500 ml | | |
Limone Ă© BasiÂlico sorÂbetto - Lemon sorÂbet with basil | 3261 | 2, 5 l | | |
Limone sorÂbetto- lime sorbet | 3224 | 500 ml | | |
Limone sorÂbetto- lime sorbet | 3209 | 2, 5 l | | |
ManÂdaÂrine sorÂbetto- tangaÂrine sorbet | 3268 | 500 ml | | |
ManÂdaÂrine sorÂbetto- tangaÂrine sorbet | 3267 | 2, 5 l | | |
Mango sorÂbetto- Mango sorbet | 3230 | 500 ml | | |
Mango sorÂbetto- Mango sorbet | 3211 | 2, 5 l | | |
Mela verde sorÂbetto- green apple sorbet | 3240 | 500 ml | | |
MirÂtillo sorÂbetto- BluÂeÂberry sorbet | 3225 | 500 ml | | |
MirÂtillo sorÂbetto- BluÂeÂberry sorbet | 3210 | 2, 5 l | | |
Mojito sorÂbetto-Lime sorÂbet with rum and mint | 3235 | 500 ml | | |
Mojito sorÂbetto-Lime sorÂbet with rum and mint | 3205 | 2, 5 l | | |
Mora sorÂbetto- BlackÂberry sorbet | 3245 | 500 ml | | |
Mora sorÂbetto- BlackÂberry sorbet | 3215 | 2, 5 l | | |
Piña Colada- Pineapple sorÂbet with cocoÂnut and rum | 3233 | 500 ml | | |
Piña Colada- Pineapple sorÂbet with cocoÂnut and rum | 3203 | 2, 5 l | | |
Ribes rosso sorÂbetto - Red curÂrent sorbet | 3234 | 500 ml | | |
Ribes rosso sorÂbetto - Red curÂrent sorbet | 3264 | 2, 5 l | |