Squid & Seafood Mix
Squid rings, tubes or simÂply cleaÂned are usually imporÂted from Asia or from the IbeÂrian PenÂinÂsula. BesÂiÂdes the natuÂral proÂducts we also offer breaÂded proÂducts. Frutti di Mare comÂplete the assortment.
Squid & Cuttlefish, whole animal
The cephaÂloÂpods are offeÂred cleaÂned and uncleaned
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
PataÂgoÂnian squid, whole, block frozen | 1460 | 4L= 12-14cm | abt. 10 kg | | |
PataÂgoÂnian squid, whole, iqf | 1461 | 4L= 12-14cm | 12x1 kg | |
Squid Tubes
Squid tubes are essenÂtial import artiÂcles. Mostly Illex argenÂtiÂnus, OmmastÂreÂphes barÂtÂraÂmii and TodarÂoÂdes paciÂfiÂcus are proÂcesÂsed and imporÂted from Spain or China.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
Squid tubes block frozen | 1405 | 21/40 | 6x2 kg | | |
Squid tubes, iqf | 1401 | U/5 | 10x1 kg | | |
Squid tubes, iqf | 1403 | U/10 | 10x1 kg | | |
Squid tubes, iqf | 1410 | U/5 | 10x1 kg | | |
Squid tubes, iqf | 1411 | U/10 | 10x1 kg | | |
Squid tubes, iqf | 1406 | U/ 5 | 10x1 kg | | |
Squid tubes, iqf | 1407 | U/10 | 10x1 kg | | |
Squid tubes, iqf | 1408 | U/5 | 10x1 kg | | |
Squid tubes, iqf | 1409 | U/10 | 10x1 kg | | |
Squid tubes, iqf | 1491 | U/5 | 10x1 kg | | |
Squid tubes, iqf | 1402 | U/10 | 10x1 kg | |
Squid Tubes, Stripes & breaded Squid
BesÂiÂdes squid tubes there are furÂther proÂcesÂsed staÂtes. NatuÂral squid rings or CalaÂmaÂres Romana are our main articles.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
"Squid FritÂters" breaÂded squid stripes | 1202 | 6x1 kg | | ||
CalaÂmaÂres Romana | 1508 | 4x2 kg | | ||
Squid rings | 1477 | 8x1 kg | | ||
Squid rings natural | 1470 | 1x11 kg | |
OctoÂpus or Pulpo enjoys great popuÂlaÂrity in the MediÂterÂraÂnean and South AmeÂriÂcan cuiÂsine. Our Pulpo geneÂrally comes from Morocco or Portugal.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
OctoÂpus in tray | 1457 | abt. 1 kg | 10 kg | | |
OctoÂpus in tray | 1451 | abt. 2-3 kg | 12 kg | |
Frutti di Mare and seaÂfood mix is eitÂher mixed in Europe or imporÂted directly, princiÂpally from VietÂnam. It is an essenÂtial artiÂcle for pizza, pasta and paella.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
Frutti di mare raw | 16503 | 10x1 kg | |
Mussels & Snails
MolÂlusks are very tasÂteÂful but also senÂsiÂble orgaÂnisms. FroÂzen seaÂsoÂnal avaiÂlaÂbiÂliÂties, quaÂlity difÂfeÂrenÂces and the risk of deteÂrioÂraÂtion can be avoided. From North AmeÂrica we import preÂdoÂmiÂnantly scallops, offeÂring them priÂmaÂrily as meat with or without roe. MusÂsels in various proÂcesÂsed staÂtes as well as the green shell musÂsel from New ZeaÂland are always available.
Scallops & Scallop Meat
Scallops are an all-time favoÂrite in the haute cuiÂsine. We obtain them from various oriÂgins in diverse sizes, also unproÂcesÂsed and certified.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
MSC Scallop preÂpaÂraÂtion with added water, roe-off, iqf | 21014 | 10/20 | 10x1 kg | | |
MSC Scallop preÂpaÂraÂtion with added water, roe-off, iqf | 21015 | U/10 | 10x1 kg | | |
MSC Scallops roe-off, iqf, Gourmaitre | 21013 | U/10 | 10x1 kg | | |
Scallops roe-off, iqf | 2095 | U/10 | 10x1 kg | | |
Scallops roe-off, iqf | 2097 | 10/20 | 10 kg | | |
Scallops roe-off, iqf | 2057 | 10/20 | 10x1 kg | | |
Scallops roe-off, iqf | 2088 | 80/120 | 10x1 kg | | |
Scallops roe-off, iqf, Gourmaitre | 20953 | U/10 | 10x1 kg | | |
Scallops roe-off, iqf, Gourmaitre | 21003 | U/12 | 10x1 kg | | |
Scallops roe-off, iqf, Gourmaitre | 20843 | 10/20 | 10x1 kg | | |
Scallops roe-off, iqf, sea froÂzen, cheÂmiÂcal free | 2099 | 10/20 | 10x1 kg | | |
Scallops roe-off, iqf, sea froÂzen, cheÂmiÂcal free | 2081 | 20/30 | 10x1 kg | |
Clamps & Snails
Green shell musÂsels and musÂsels are availÂable cooÂked as a whole, half-shell or as musÂsel meat.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
Green shell musÂsels half shell | 2075 | 30/45 | 10x1 kg | | |
Green shell musÂsels half shell | 2072 | 30/45 | | ||
MusÂsel meat cooked | 2060 | 300/500 | 10x1 kg | | |
MusÂsels cooked | 2525 | 60/80 | 5x1 kg | | |
MusÂsels in half shell | 2061 | 40/60 | 8x1 kg | |
Salads & Preparations
Salad-like preÂpaÂraÂtiÂons based on seaÂfood are a trend from Asia which is estabÂliÂshing on the EuroÂpean marÂket. ProÂducts like Goma Wakame and Chuka Ika (squid salad) are a major feaÂture not just in the JapaÂnese kitchen.
Salads & Preparations
Goma Wakame with the deliÂcate sesame flaÂvor and its deep green color is imporÂted from China. Chuka Ika squid salad serÂves as a speÂcial treat on every fish counter.
Name | ArtiÂcle no. | SorÂting | PackÂaÂging | net weight | WatchÂlist |
Chuka Ika-Squid salad with bamÂboo sprout | 2790 | | |||
Goma Wakame- Sea weed salad | 2792 | | |||
Goma Wakame- Sea weed salad | 2791 | |