Shellfish & Crustaceans

Crustace­ans live in almost all waters of the world, in salt­wa­ter as well as freshwa­ter, warm and cold. There are even ter­restrial spe­cies. Cha­rac­te­ris­tic attri­bu­tes of the crustace­ans belon­ging to the arthro­pods are two pairs of anten­nas and the split legs. The chi­tin­ous exo­ske­le­ton, which all crustace­ans have, does not grow, for­cing the ani­mals to slough their shell regu­larly. The gas­tro­no­mi­c­ally most rele­vant and the­re­fore for us most inte­res­ting family are the Deca­poda. Among them you find lobsters, lan­gous­tes, cray­fish and prawns. Crustace­ans are not only deli­cious; they are also rich in bio­avail­able pro­te­ins, mine­rals and micro nut­ri­ents. No menu should have them and they are found in a great variety wit­hin our pro­duct range.


We import our king prawns from Asia, South Ame­rica and Africa. They come eit­her from aquacul­ture or are caught wild. Our cer­ti­fied pro­duct range is steadily gro­wing. We offer raw prawns with or without head, with shell or pee­led, coo­ked and pee­led or with tail. Cold water prawns are pro­cu­red from Green­land, Ice­land or Canada. We are always loo­king for inte­res­ting new pro­ducts from all over the world.

MSC Great Northern Prawn

These par­ti­cu­larly deli­cious prawns are caught in the depths of the Nort­hern Sea. We offer them coo­ked with head and tail or to peel by oneself, as well as coo­ked and pee­led ready-to-eat in dif­fe­rent sizes.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
MSC cold water prawns455125/17510x1 kg

Argentinian Red Prawn

Even before coo­king these wild caught prawns have a red­dish color and are defi­ned by a plea­s­antly sweetish, white meat. The popu­la­ti­ons are found bet­ween the 43° and 47° south in front of the Argen­ti­nian Coast.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Argen­ti­nean red shrimp HLSO easy peel6948/126x1 kg
Argen­ti­nean red shrimp HLSO easy peel69613/156x1 kg
Argen­ti­nean red shrimp HLSO easy peel69516/206x1 kg
Argen­ti­nean red shrimp HLSO easy peel69418/1210x1 kg
Argen­ti­nean red shrimp HOSO67410/206x2 kg
Argen­ti­nian red shrimp PD67820/306x1 kg
Cara­bi­ne­ros HOSO645U/1012x1 kg

Wild caught Warm Water Prawn

These great, wild caught Black Tiger Prawns are an exclu­sive plea­sure, com­pa­ra­ble to lobsters and lan­gous­tes. The impres­sive ani­mals we trade are caught pri­ma­rily in the Indian Paci­fic Ocean and in front of West Africa.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Wild black tiger prawns HLSO8048/1210x1 kg
Wild black tiger prawns HOSO5402/49x2 kg
Wild black tiger prawns HOSO7992/410x1 kg
Wild black tiger prawns HOSO5414/69x2 kg
Wild black tiger prawns HOSO8004/610x1 kg
Wild black tiger prawns HOSO542U/56x2 kg
Wild black tiger prawns HOSO534U/55 kg, 6x1
Wild black tiger prawns HOSO5316/85 kg, 6x1
Wild black tiger prawns HOSO8016/810x1 kg
Wild black tiger prawns HOSO8028/1210x1 kg
Wild black tiger prawns HOSO80313/1510x1 kg
Wild black tiger prawns PD8058/1210x1 kg

Gambas with head and shell

King Prawns with head and shell, also cal­led “Gam­bas”, are used favor­ably for bar­be­cuing since on the one hand with this method the bar­be­cue fla­vor can sink into the meat, on the other hand the meat will not become dry easily through the shell.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Black tiger prawns HOSO6764/610x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HOSO6416/810x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HOSO6328/1210x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HOSO63113/1510x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HOSO63616/2010x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HOSO63321/3010x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HOSO63431/4010x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HOSO Gourmaitre67232/410x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HOSO Gourmaitre67634/610x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HOSO Gourmaitre64136/810x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HOSO Gourmaitre63238/1210x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HOSO Gourmaitre631313/1510x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HOSO Gourmaitre636316/2010x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HOSO Gourmaitre633321/3010x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HOSO Gourmaitre634331/4010x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HOSO Gourmaitre635341/5010x1 kg

Seawater Prawns without head and with shell

Prawns without head and with shell (often “easy peel”, – with a cut in the back) work well – mari­na­ted to their own taste – for coo­king, fry­ing and bar­be­cuing. The most beau­ti­ful exo­tic meals can be crea­ted. Coo­king with the shell gives addi­tio­nal taste to the meat.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Vannamei Gar­nele o. Kopf m. Schale, easy peel, Gourmaitre71138/1210x1 kg
Vannamei Gar­nele o. Kopf m. Schale, easy peel, Gourmaitre712313/1510x1 kg
Vannamei Gar­nele o. Kopf m. Schale, easy peel, Gourmaitre713316/2010x1 kg

Freshwater Prawns without head and with shell

The com­mer­cially most important freshwa­ter prawn is the Rosen­berg prawn with its sur­pri­sing appearance in its blu­eish color with the long pin­cers and an enor­mous size. As a whole prawn it deco­ra­tes every sea­food coun­ter and in any pro­ces­sed form it acts as a good alter­na­tive to the com­mon salt­wa­ter prawns.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Black tiger prawns HLSO easy peel7066/810x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HLSO easy peel6808/1210x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HLSO easy peel6928/1210x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HLSO easy peel68413/1510x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HLSO easy peel69313/1512x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HLSO easy peel70916/2010x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HLSO easy peel6918/1210x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HLSO easy peel Gourmaitre70132/410x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HLSO easy peel Gourmaitre70334/610x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HLSO easy peel Gourmaitre70636/810x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HLSO easy peel Gourmaitre68038/1210x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HLSO easy peel Gourmaitre684313/1510x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HLSO easy peel Gourmaitre709316/2010x1 kg
Black tiger prawns HLSO easy peel Gourmaitre710326/3010x1 kg
FW prawns HLSO easy peel820U/510x1 kg
FW prawns HLSO easy peel8136/810x1 kg
FW prawns HLSO easy peel7928/1210x1 kg
FW prawns HLSO easy peel Gourmaitre8243U/510x1 kg
FW prawns HLSO easy peel Gourmaitre81336/810x1 kg
FW prawns HLSO easy peel Gourmaitre79238/1210x1 kg
FW prawns HLSO easy peel Gourmaitre218313/1510x1 kg

King Prawns without shell

For any restau­ra­teur pee­led prawns are espe­cially prac­ti­cal since they can be pro­ces­sed strai­ght after they are defros­ted. We offer white and black tiger prawns without shell.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Black tiger prawns PD6164/610x1 kg
Black tiger prawns PD6736/810x1 kg
Black tiger prawns PD75713/1512x1 kg
Black tiger prawns PD75613/1510x1 kg
Black tiger prawns PD52316/2010x1 kg
Black tiger prawns PD78826/3010x1 kg
Black tiger prawns PD80931/4010x1 kg
Black tiger prawns PD81241/5010x1 kg
Black tiger prawns PD Gourmaitre66032/410x1 kg
Black tiger prawns PD Gourmaitre66134/610x1 kg
Black tiger prawns PD Gourmaitre61634/610x1 kg
Black tiger prawns PD Gourmaitre67336/810x1 kg
Black tiger prawns PD Gourmaitre756313/1510x1 kg
Black tiger prawns PD Gourmaitre523316/2010x1 kg
Black tiger prawns PD Gourmaitre809331/4010x1 kg
Black tiger prawns PD Gourmaitre812341/5010x1 kg
Vannamei prawns PD8068/1210x1 kg
Vannamei prawns PD80713/1510x1 kg
Vannamei prawns PD86316/2010x1 kg
Vannamei prawns PD81016/2010x1 kg
Vannamei prawns PD86426/3010x1 kg
Vannamei prawns PD86531/4010x1 kg
Vannamei prawns PD Gourmaitre66238/1210x1 kg
Vannamei prawns PD Gourmaitre663313/1510x1 kg
Vannamei prawns PD Gourmaitre664316/2010x1 kg
Vannamei prawns PD Gourmaitre665326/3010x1 kg
Vannamei prawns PD Gourmaitre666331/4010x1 kg
Vannamei prawns PD Gourmaitre667341/5010x1 kg

Cooked Prawns & Skewers

The great advan­tage of coo­ked prawns and party Gam­bas is that they are already coo­ked and pee­led or par­ti­ally pee­led. They are espe­cially sui­ta­ble for cold dis­hes and care­ful hea­ting is also pos­si­ble. The party Gam­bas have ano­t­her visual fea­ture through their red tail. It is addi­tio­nally handy since they can be dip­ped in sau­ces or dips that way. Prawns that are tho­roughly pla­ced on ske­wers, usually 100g, are just as con­ve­ni­ent in hand­ling since the por­tion size is already defi­ned. Pro­ces­sing is simple as well, as the prawns cook homo­ge­ne­ously. There are 11-12 prawns on each skewer.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Cock­tail shrimps coo­kes and peeled47490/12010x1 kg
Cock­tail shrimps coo­kes and peeled479100/20010x1 kg
Cock­tail shrimps coo­kes and peeled477200/30010x1 kg
Cock­tail shrimps coo­kes and peeled478300/50010x1 kg
Coo­ked black tiger prawns PD64721/2510x1 kg
Coo­ked black tiger prawns PD64826/3010x1 kg
Coo­ked black tiger prawns PD50831/4010x1 kg
Coo­ked black tiger prawns PD Gourmaitre648326/3010x1 kg
Coo­ked black tiger prawns PD Gourmaitre654390/12010x1 kg
Coo­ked vannamei prawns PD che­mi­cal free649726/3010x1 kg
Coo­ked vannamei prawns PD che­mi­cal free5080731/4010x1 kg
Coo­ked vannamei prawns PD che­mi­cal free509741/5010x1 kg
Coo­ked vannamei prawns PD che­mi­cal free532761/7010x1 kg
Coo­ked vannamei prawns PD che­mi­cal free678771/9010x1 kg
Party-Gam­bas tail on coo­ked and peeled529326/3010x1 kg
Party-Gam­bas tail on coo­ked and peeled305631/4010x1 kg
Shrimp ske­wer black tiger prawn Gourmaitre6373abt. 12 prawns10x1 kg
Shrimp ske­wer vannamei prawn637abt. 12 prawns10x1 kg

Lobsters & Langoustes

Lobsters and lan­gous­tes are rated among the most exqui­site deli­cacies the oce­ans can offer. For our cus­to­mers we stock diverse pro­ducts from various ori­gins. Our high pres­sure lobs­ter should be espe­cially high­ligh­ted. He is caught in front of the coast of Nova Sco­tia, instantly kil­led under high pres­sure and directly fro­zen and ship­ped. Bes­i­des the easy pro­ces­sing we meet the con­stantly gro­wing expec­ta­ti­ons of Ani­mal Welfare.

Lobsters (high pressure lobster), Homarus Americanus, whole animal, raw

These still raw Atlan­tic Ocean lobsters are kil­led ani­mal-friendly with water under high pres­sure wit­hin seconds. The­re­af­ter the entrails are remo­ved. They can be used like living ani­mals, but there is no need to keep them alive or to use the con­tro­ver­sial method of kil­ling them through cooking.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
HP whole lobs­ter "Chix" gutted1906430 g10x430 g
HP whole lobs­ter "Hal­ves" gutted1909675 g10x675 g
HP whole lobs­ter "Jum­bos" gutted19521.080 g6x1.080 g
HP whole lobs­ter "Quar­ters" gutted1907544 g10x544 g
HP whole lobs­ter "Select" gutted1958730 g10x730 g
HP whole lobs­ter gut­ted in retail packing1915500 g6x500 g
Whole lobs­ter "Quar­ters"1912612 g10x612 g

Lobsters (high pressure lobster), Homarus Americanus, half animal, raw

This “split” lobs­ter, mea­ning the lobs­ter is hal­ved, gut­ted and par­ti­ally pee­led, is a real con­ve­ni­ence pro­duct, deter­mi­ned to signi­fi­cantly incre­ase the num­ber of people appre­cia­ting lobs­ter. It is ideal for party ser­vice, ban­quets and catering.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
HP split lobs­ter gutted19082x200 g6x400 g
HP split lobs­ter gutted19212x250 g5x500 g
HP split lobs­ter gutted19232x275 g4x550 g
HP split lobs­ter gut­ted in retail packing19052x150 g6x300 g
HP split lobs­ter gut­ted in retail packing19542x300 g6x600 g

Various Lobster products (high pressure lobster), raw

Bes­i­des the whole and hal­ved “high pres­sure lobs­ter” we offer fur­ther pro­ducts of opti­mal qua­lity like lobs­ter tails and lobs­ter meat. The goods are pro­du­ced under hig­hest Ani­mal Wel­fare requirements.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
HP lobs­ter claw1957227 g12x227 g
HP lobs­ter claw- and knucklemeat1961227 g12x227 g
HP lobs­ter claw- knuckle- and legmeat1964227 g12x227 g
HP lobs­ter leg meat1962227 g12x227 g
HP lobs­ter leg meat1806227 g12x227 g
HP lobs­ter meat Combo-pack1817abt.140-170 g2 kg
HP lobs­ter meat Combo-pack in retail packing1818140 g10x140 g
HP lobs­ter tails skin off1837abt. 86-113 g2 kg
HP lobs­ter tails skin on1839abt.140-170 g4, 45 kg

Various Lobster products

On demand we offer con­ven­tio­nally pro­ces­sed lobs­ter pro­ducts and we gene­rally have lobs­ter car­cas­ses for broths and soups available.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Lobst­er­bo­dies195626 kg, 7


Our lan­gouste tails come pre­fer­a­bly from the Carib­bean Sea, where they appear in rela­tively large quan­ti­ties com­pa­red to other fishing grounds. In the raw state the shell is gree­nish-brow­nish. When coo­ked it turns appe­alin­gly orange-red­dish. The meat has more bite to it than the Atlan­tic Lobs­ter and is very plea­sant in its taste. With the MSC-cer­ti­fied Tris­tan lobsters we pre­sent one of the rarest and purest deli­cacies on the mar­ket. The lan­gous­tes are caught with little fishing boats along the rocky coasts of the pro­bably most remote islands of the world – the archi­pe­lago Tris­tan da Cuña.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
MSC Tris­tan lobs­ter iqf1966346-400 g2x5 kg
MSC Tris­tan lobs­ter tails iqf1967110-130 g54 kg, 5x4
Rock lobs­ter tails shell on raw1913230-280 g4x4, 54 kg
Rock lobs­ter tails shell on raw1811280-340 g4x4, 54 kg
Rock lobs­ter tails shell on raw1852340-400 g4x4, 54 kg
Rock lobs­ter tails shell on raw1857340-400 g4x4, 54 kg
Rock lobs­ter tails shell on raw1853400-450 g4x4, 54 kg
Rock lobs­ter tails shell on raw1855400-450 g4x4, 54 kg
Rock lobs­ter tails shell on raw1854450-560 g4x4, 54 kg
Rock lobs­ter tails shell on raw1914450-560 g4x4, 54 kg
Rock lobs­ter tails shell on raw1939450-560 g4x5 kg
Rock lobs­ter tails shell on raw1945560/ 680 g4x4, 54 kg
Rock lobs­ter tails shell on raw1959260 g6x280 g

Crabs & Other Crustaceans

Bes­i­des our prawns, lobsters and lan­gous­tes we offer fur­ther exclu­sive crustace­ans like Atlan­tic snow crabs and king crabs.

Crabs & Shrimps

The king crab car­ries its name for a rea­son. There is hardly ano­t­her marine ani­mal that can com­pare to the king crab in terms of taste and jui­ci­ness. Even in its appearance it can­not be out­done. The king crab is undoub­tedly a high­light on every buf­fet. What is cor­rect about the king crab also app­lies to its rela­ti­ves from our assort­ment of craps and shrimps: deli­cate, sweet, mine­ral fla­vor und asto­nis­hing in its appearance.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Craw­fi­sh­t­ails coo­ked pee­led iqf1934100/20010x1 kg
King crab legs and claws coo­ked iqf1824225-325 g2, 5 kg
King crab legs coo­ked iqf182090-175 g10x1 kg
King­crab whole coo­ked iqf18250 kg, 0-2, 11 pcs p. Krt.
King­crab whole coo­ked iqf18301, 5 - 2, 5 kg1 pcs p. Krt.
Snow­crab meat coo­ked block frozen184240/60 %30x400 g
Snow­crab meat coo­ked block frozen186740/60 %20x400 g
Snow­crab meat coo­ked block frozen186540/60 %10x400 g

Dublin Bay Prawn (scampi)

The Dub­lin Bay Prawn is a deca­pod living in the con­ti­nen­tal shelf of the Nor­the­ast Atlan­tic, the Medi­ter­ra­nean Sea and the North Sea. Coo­ked, fried or bar­be­cued the Dub­lin Bay prawn is an abso­lute delicacy.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingnet weightWatch­list
Scampi whole raw18044/712x1 kg
Scampi whole raw18074/812x1 kg
Scampi whole raw18058/1212x1 kg
Scampi whole raw180313/1612x1 kg
Scampi whole raw182117/2012x1 kg