Ms Döring, as QA-representative you are responsible for securing quality at Hamburger Feinfrost. How did you end up in this field of work?
I have always been inteÂresÂted in groÂceÂries. Very soon I reaÂliÂzed that my proÂfesÂsioÂnal path would lead me into the food indusÂtry. During my bacheÂlor stuÂdies of domestic (sciÂence) and nutÂriÂtioÂnal sciÂence I could build up sound knowÂledge which I intenÂsiÂfied during my masÂter stuÂdies of food SciÂence. Since I wanÂted to apply my knowÂledge and work interÂdiÂsciÂpliÂnary, it made sense to start a career in quaÂlity assurance.
Margarete Doering
QuaÂlity Assurance
What do you get out of working in sea food quality assurance?
GeneÂrally it requiÂres an underÂstanÂding of the whole supÂply chain from the raw mateÂrial to the packed food. You interÂact with diverse staÂkeÂholÂders along the value chain, conÂtiÂnuously having to handle new challenges.
InternÂally and externÂally you work for example in betÂween proÂcuÂreÂment, sales and proÂcesÂsing, as well as supÂpliers, public autÂhoÂriÂties and laboÂraÂtoÂries. FurÂtherÂmore the proÂduct range with all the difÂfeÂrent speÂcies, proÂcesÂsed and unproÂcesÂsed proÂducts, preÂpaÂraÂtiÂons and raw mateÂriÂals is very diverse. The result of that is that varied requiÂreÂments arise. One thing is for sure: it never gets boring.
Why is your work so important for the company?
WitÂhin the comÂpany I somehow repreÂsent the view of the cusÂtoÂmer. I expect proÂduct safety, conÂsuÂmer proÂtecÂtion and the higÂhest posÂsiÂble quaÂlity. Solely with a quaÂlity that meets the expecÂtaÂtiÂons, we can gain trust and geneÂrate long-term cusÂtoÂmer relaÂtiÂonsÂhips. The demands and expecÂtaÂtiÂons of conÂsuÂmers towards preÂmium and preÂcisely manuÂfacÂtuÂred proÂducts are groÂwing steadily. Same appÂlies for the government. I make sure, that the entÂiÂrety of the chaÂracÂteÂrisÂtic attriÂbuÂtes and the conÂsisÂtency of the proÂduct match the guiÂdeÂliÂnes. FurÂtherÂmore I superÂvise and optiÂmize all the necessary processes.
How does HAFRO as a company ensure the promised quality?
At first it is a quesÂtion of proÂcuÂreÂment. Our employees in the purchaÂsing departÂment and in quaÂlity assurance all have expert knowÂledge in the field of sea food. That is the basis. This is the only way quaÂlity in this preÂtenÂtious comÂmoÂdity group can be disÂtinÂguisÂhed and pasÂsed on. AddiÂtioÂnally trusÂting and long-term relaÂtiÂonsÂhips with supÂpliers are mainÂtaiÂned to transÂlate the quaÂlity expecÂtaÂtiÂons into the early staÂges of the value chain. Often culÂtuÂral or lanÂguage barÂriÂers have to be overÂcome. We are supÂporÂted by our interÂnal sourcing unit, the EuroÂgroup and varies exterÂnal agenÂcies. Local coorÂdiÂnaÂtors, freÂquent inspecÂtions, the selecÂtion of optiÂmal supÂpliers and a smooth proÂcess can be guaÂranÂteed this way. CerÂtainly they canÂnot replace a perÂsoÂnal evaÂluaÂtion on-site. TheÂreÂfore our employees reguÂlarly traÂvel to the counÂtries of oriÂgin. If a supÂplier gets lisÂted, he comÂmits to the HAFRO guiÂdeÂliÂnes for supÂpliers. These guiÂdeÂliÂnes conÂtain social comÂponÂents (such as fair salary, no child labor) as well as ecoÂloÂgiÂcal requiÂreÂments (e.g. fishing methods and quota) and they exceed releÂvant legal requiÂreÂments conÂcerÂning proÂducÂtion, packing and transport.
In pracÂtice we make sure that our quaÂlity stanÂdards are met by means of several inspecÂtions in the counÂtry of oriÂgin, through veteÂriÂnaÂriÂans at the port of entry, in the cold stoÂrage house, in the partner’s laboÂraÂtory and in the HAFRO expeÂriÂmenÂtal kitÂchen. We coopeÂrate with an ISO-cerÂtiÂfied cold stoÂrage house and shipÂping comÂpaÂnies. MainÂtaiÂning the cooÂling chain and other aspects of HACCP are manÂdaÂtory. The result is the comÂpliÂance with the HAFRO quaÂlity requiÂreÂments along the whole chain – from the proÂduÂcer to the conÂsuÂmer, from farm to fork as it is said.
What is the role of certificates?
Our high level IFS broÂker cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtion shows that proÂcesÂses, safety and the quaÂlity of our proÂducÂtions is conÂstantly being mainÂtaiÂned and that we have a sound manageÂment sysÂtem. Through audits of exterÂnal cerÂtiÂfiers the entreÂpreÂneuÂrial proÂcesÂses are conÂtiÂnuously quesÂtioÂned and improved.
Since for HAFRO quaÂlity also means susÂtainaÂbiÂlity, we are proudly Bio, MSC and ASC cerÂtiÂfied. Our susÂtainable proÂduct range grows conÂstantly and enjoys a high prioÂrity. The before menÂtioÂned cerÂtiÂfiÂcaÂtes also play a vital role in the choice of our suppliers.
What happens if goods do not meet the HAFRO quality requirements or being damaged during storage?
At first the lot is bloÂcked declaÂring the reaÂsons, both in our invenÂtory manageÂment sysÂtem and at our storekeeÂper. After conÂsulÂting the supÂplier the goods are retrieÂved or exterÂmiÂnaÂted on the spot, posÂsiÂbly after informing the responÂsiÂble autÂhoÂriÂties. During my time at HAFRO we have not had a case like that, highÂlighÂtÂing the good choice of suppliers.
What does a normal work day look like for you?
UnforÂtuÂnÂaÂtely or forÂtuÂnÂaÂtely every day is a little bit difÂfeÂrent and you are always conÂfronÂted with all kinds of chalÂlenÂges. TypiÂcally I am involÂved with the planÂning and exeÂcuÂtion of the quaÂlity inspecÂtion of incoÂmÂing goods at our cold store, aligning the inspecÂtion plan, collecÂting samÂple data, senÂsors, sighÂtÂing the reports from the Rapid Alert SysÂtem for Food and Feed from the EuroÂpean ComÂmisÂsion, creaÂting and inspecÂting labels towards conÂforÂmity with legal requiÂreÂments, speÂciÂfiÂcaÂtiÂons, prompÂtÂing and actuaÂliÂzing supplier’s docuÂments and many other things. Days pass pretty fast that way.
What current challenges do you see in the industry?
There are various chalÂlenÂges. Non-declaÂred, added water in fish, prawns and seaÂfood is a big topic. We accept responÂsiÂbiÂlity and we want to act as a good example in the indusÂtry. Openly disÂcusÂsing the topic and a corÂrect ingreÂdient list are manÂdaÂtory for us.
How do you handle consumer complaints at HAFRO?
For us conÂsuÂmer comÂpÂlaint is always a chance to improve our quaÂlity and our serÂvice. After receiÂving a comÂpÂlaint the goal is to find the reaÂson and do betÂter in future and a of course find suiÂtaÂble soluÂtion as quickly as posÂsiÂble. In case of reaÂsonÂable comÂpÂlaints the goods are re-crediÂted or replaÂced straiÂght away. We strive to conÂvince and satisfy our cusÂtoÂmers in the long term.