PurchaÂsing and Import
After comÂpleÂting my master’s degree in interÂnaÂtioÂnal manageÂment with a focus on Trade Law and TransÂport ManageÂment, I began my career in logistics in a charÂming small town in nortÂhern GerÂmany as a cusÂtoms proÂcesÂsor and disÂpatcher. I deciÂded to move to HamÂburg, as it had long been my favoÂrite city in GerÂmany. After gaiÂning expeÂriÂence in transÂport manageÂment and freight forÂwarÂding, I found my ideal posiÂtion at Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH. Working with my comÂpeÂtent colÂleagues not only enriÂches me proÂfesÂsioÂnally but also perÂsoÂnally. For me, notÂhing emboÂdies the HamÂburg atmoÂsÂphere betÂter than a B2B comÂpany at the port offeÂring high-quaÂlity seaÂfood proÂducts. As a lover of HamÂburg, I couldn’t imaÂgine a betÂter proÂfesÂsioÂnal experience.
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