Sales NonÂfÂroÂzen
I was born and raiÂsed in SchlesÂwig-HolÂstein and I feel like a real NordÂlicht as we say in GerÂman. Even though I’ve already made stops at several destiÂnaÂtiÂons, I’m always drawn back home.
My traiÂned occupÂaÂtion is hotel and office manageÂment and with this as a basis I was able to gain proÂfesÂsioÂnal expeÂriÂence in various indusÂtries. The food indusÂtry I am really pasÂsioÂnate about. Over the years I was employed in various difÂfeÂrent posiÂtiÂons. I find proÂfesÂsioÂnal deveÂloÂpÂment and conÂstant change very exciÂting and I really like the chalÂlenÂges comÂing with it. In sales, I focus on quaÂlity serÂvice and like to be close to the cusÂtoÂmer with the goal to build long-term trust. At Hafro, I am responÂsiÂble for the non-froÂzen assortÂment, which we will conÂtiÂnuously deveÂlop over the next
years. In my leisure time I like to cook, try out new reciÂpes and love to go to conÂcerts with my friends.
+49 40 399 292 637