Nikolas Mortzfeldt


“Live the moment because it never comes back in its uniqueness.

When I was 6 years old my uncle spar­ked my love for fish and the aqua­tic envi­ron­ment. We were fishing a small pond close to Ham­burg and I was able to land my first roach. The pas­sion for fishing never left since then. Bes­i­des fishing I love foot­ball and played as a goa­lie for 12 years. After my gra­dua­tion (high school diploma) I worked in the socio-edu­ca­tio­nal field in a kin­der­gar­ten. I have deve­lo­ped a lot as a per­son, but after 2 years I felt that I nee­ded a new chal­lenge. The appren­ti­ce­ship at “Hamburger Feinfrost” com­bi­nes my inte­rest in aqua­tic orga­nisms with my pro­fes­sion as an export and import merchant.


  • +49 40 399 292 0
