Lina Mastag

Dual Stu­dent

My life path is shaped by my deep connection to food and my fascination with nutrition.

I grew up in “Thü­rin­gen”. In the middle of a nur­s­ery that my par­ents ope­rate. Working in this idyl­lic vil­lage envi­ron­ment inspi­red my love of nature and influ­en­ced by high-qua­lity food from an early age.

My jour­ney took me on to Leip­zig, where I recei­ved trai­ning in a deli. The sense of taste and pas­sion for culi­nary crea­ti­ons grew here. An inte­gral part of my life.

After suc­cess­fully com­ple­ting my trai­ning, I moved to Ham­burg, where I joi­ned Hamburger Feinfrost. This city, its people and its Culi­nary diver­sity inspi­res me.


  • +49 40 399 292 0
