
Julia Lange

Deputy Ope­ra­ting Officer

Success has two letter: Do!

The love for good food was put into my cradle. The love of fish and sea­food tra­ding deve­lo­ped during my pro­fes­sio­nal career. After suc­cess­fully com­ple­ting my trai­nee­ship as a cook, my thirst for know­ledge has led me to fur­ther edu­ca­tion. At Fri­sche­Pa­ra­dies I ear­ned a B.A. in busi­ness admi­nis­tra­tion in the field of food manage­ment. And this is where I dis­co­ve­red my joy in active sales. It gives me great plea­sure to sell high qua­lity food, just as I enjoy pre­pa­ring it mys­elf. I find the con­tact with the cus­to­mers and the con­stant exchange very inspi­ring. I approach the chal­len­ges at HAFRO, true to my motto “Suc­cess has two let­ters: DO!”.


  • +49 40 39 92 92 612
