Deputy OpeÂraÂting Officer
The love for good food was put into my cradle. The love of fish and seaÂfood traÂding deveÂloÂped during my proÂfesÂsioÂnal career. After sucÂcessÂfully comÂpleÂting my traiÂneeÂship as a cook, my thirst for knowÂledge has led me to furÂther eduÂcaÂtion. At FriÂscheÂPaÂraÂdies I earÂned a B.A. in busiÂness admiÂnisÂtraÂtion in the field of food manageÂment. And this is where I disÂcoÂveÂred my joy in active sales. It gives me great pleaÂsure to sell high quaÂlity food, just as I enjoy preÂpaÂring it mysÂelf. I find the conÂtact with the cusÂtoÂmers and the conÂstant exchange very inspiÂring. I approach the chalÂlenÂges at HAFRO, true to my motto “SucÂcess has two letÂters: DO!”.
+49 40 39 92 92 612