PurchaÂsing and Import Nonfrozen
I was born and raiÂsed in HamÂburg. Already at an early age, I felt overÂwhelÂming wanÂderÂlust. So one day I took the opporÂtuÂnity, moved to Mexico City to live and study and graÂduaÂted from high school a few years later. Back in HamÂburg I went to colÂlege speÂciaÂliÂzing in BusiÂness and AdmiÂnisÂtraÂtion and FBC-ManageÂment. After many years working in the food serÂvice indusÂtry and a small detour into IT, I found my new home with Hafro. Here I am responÂsiÂble for the non-froÂzen-busiÂness focuÂsing on procurement.
In have a pasÂsion for sports espeÂcially the marÂtial arts. BesÂiÂdes I love to read, you will find me with a book in my hands whenever it is possible.
+49 40 399 292 0