Legal notice


Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH
Grosse Elb­strasse 210, D-22767 Ham­burg
Tel. +49 (0)40 399 2920
Fax +49 (0)40 399 292 639

Com­mer­cial regis­ter: Ham­burg, HRB 30040
VAT no.: DE 811 193 104
Mana­ging Direc­tor: Ralf For­ner (Schiff­dorf), Thierry Stauf­fen­eg­ger (Rhein­bach)


Site desi­gned and main­tai­ned by
Süd­er­straße 75, D-20097 Ham­burg
Tel. +49 (0)40 209 336 440


All infor­ma­tion pro­vi­ded on the web­site of Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH has been care­fully rese­ar­ched and che­cked by Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH or by third par­ties. Howe­ver, des­pite every care being taken, details may have chan­ged since they were pos­ted on the site. Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH the­re­fore accepts no lia­bi­lity for the accu­racy or com­ple­teness of this infor­ma­tion, par­ti­cu­larly infor­ma­tion sup­plied by third par­ties. The same app­lies to all sites to which links are pro­vi­ded and sites con­tai­ning links to Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH. Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH is not respon­si­ble for the con­tent of these sites. Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH also reser­ves the right to amend the infor­ma­tion pro­vi­ded. The con­tent and struc­ture of the web­site of Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH are pro­tec­ted by copy­right. Infor­ma­tion or data may not be repro­du­ced without the prior con­sent of Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH.