Legal notice
Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH
Grosse ElbÂstrasse 210, D-22767 HamÂburg
Tel. +49 (0)40 399 2920
Fax +49 (0)40 399 292 639
ComÂmerÂcial regisÂter: HamÂburg, HRB 30040
VAT no.: DE 811 193 104
ManaÂging DirecÂtor: Ralf ForÂner (SchiffÂdorf), Thierry StaufÂfenÂegÂger (RheinÂbach)
Site desiÂgned and mainÂtaiÂned by
SĂĽdÂerÂstraĂźe 75, D-20097 HamÂburg
Tel. +49 (0)40 209 336 440
All inforÂmaÂtion proÂviÂded on the webÂsite of Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH has been careÂfully reseÂarÂched and cheÂcked by Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH or by third parÂties. HoweÂver, desÂpite every care being taken, details may have chanÂged since they were posÂted on the site. Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH theÂreÂfore accepts no liaÂbiÂlity for the accuÂracy or comÂpleÂteness of this inforÂmaÂtion, parÂtiÂcuÂlarly inforÂmaÂtion supÂplied by third parÂties. The same appÂlies to all sites to which links are proÂviÂded and sites conÂtaiÂning links to Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH. Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH is not responÂsiÂble for the conÂtent of these sites. Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH also reserÂves the right to amend the inforÂmaÂtion proÂviÂded. The conÂtent and strucÂture of the webÂsite of Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH are proÂtecÂted by copyÂright. InforÂmaÂtion or data may not be reproÂduÂced without the prior conÂsent of Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH.