Privacy Statement
General Explanation
The folÂlowing notes proÂvide a simple overÂview of what hapÂpens to your perÂsoÂnal inforÂmaÂtion when you visit our webÂsite. PerÂsoÂnal inforÂmaÂtion is any inforÂmaÂtion that perÂsoÂnally idenÂtiÂfies you. For detailed inforÂmaÂtion on the subÂject of data proÂtecÂtion, please refer to our data proÂtecÂtion declaÂraÂtion lisÂted below this text.
Data collection on our website
Who is responsible for data collection on this website?
The data proÂcesÂsing on this webÂsite is carÂried out by the webÂsite opeÂraÂtor. Their conÂtact data can be found in the imprint of this website.
How do we collect your data?
On the one hand, your data is collecÂted by you comÂmuÂniÂcaÂting it to us. This may, for example, involve data that you enter in a conÂtact form.
Other data is autoÂmaÂtiÂcally collecÂted by our IT sysÂtems when you visit the webÂsite. This is priÂmaÂrily techÂniÂcal data (e.g. InterÂnet browÂser, opeÂraÂting sysÂtem or time of page call). This data is collecÂted autoÂmaÂtiÂcally as soon as you enter our website.
What do we use your data for?
Part of the data is collecÂted to ensure that the webÂsite is error-free. Other data can be used to anaÂlyse your user behaviour.
What rights do you have with regard to your data?
You have the right at any time and free of charge to obtain inforÂmaÂtion about the oriÂgin, reciÂpiÂent and purÂpose of your stored perÂsoÂnal data. You also have the right to request that this data be corÂrecÂted, bloÂcked or deleÂted. You can conÂtact us at any time at the address given in the imprint for this as well as for furÂther quesÂtiÂons on the subÂject of data proÂtecÂtion. FurÂtherÂmore, you have the right to appeal to the responÂsiÂble superÂviÂsory autÂhoÂrity.
In addiÂtion, you have the right, under cerÂtain cirÂcumÂsÂtanÂces, to demand the restricÂtion of the proÂcesÂsing of your perÂsoÂnal data. For details please refer to the data proÂtecÂtion declaÂraÂtion under “Right to limiÂtaÂtion of processing”.
General information and mandatory information
The opeÂraÂtors of these pages take the proÂtecÂtion of your perÂsoÂnal data very seriously. We treat your perÂsoÂnal data conÂfiÂdenÂtiÂally and accordÂing to the legal data proÂtecÂtion reguÂlaÂtiÂons as well as this data proÂtecÂtion explanaÂtion.
If you use this webÂsite, various perÂsoÂnal data will be collecÂted. PerÂsoÂnal data is data with which you can be perÂsoÂnally idenÂtiÂfied. This PriÂvacy Policy expÂlains what inforÂmaÂtion we collect and how we use it. It also expÂlains how and for what purÂpose this is done.
We would like to point out that data transÂmisÂsion over the InterÂnet (e.g. comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion by e-mail) can be subÂject to secuÂrity gaps. A comÂplete proÂtecÂtion of the data against access by third parÂties is not possible.
The perÂson responÂsiÂble witÂhin the meaÂning of the data proÂtecÂtion laws, in parÂtiÂcuÂlar the EU data proÂtecÂtion basic reguÂlaÂtion (DSGVO), is:
HamÂburg Feinfrost GmbH
GroĂźe ElbÂstraĂźe 210
22767 HamÂburg, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)40 399292-0
Fax: +49 (0)40 399292-639
If you have any quesÂtiÂons about data proÂtecÂtion, you are welÂcome to send an e-mail or conÂtact the organisation’s data proÂtecÂtion offiÂcer directly at the folÂlowing conÂtact details:
Manuel JimĂ©Ânez (Data ProÂtecÂtion OffiÂcer),
Your rights as a data subject
You can exerÂcise the folÂlowing rights at any time using the conÂtact details proÂviÂded by our data proÂtecÂtion officer:
– InforÂmaÂtion about your data stored with us and their proÂcesÂsing (Art. 15 DSGVO),
– CorÂrecÂtion of incorÂrect perÂsoÂnal data (Art. 16 DSGVO),
– DeleÂtion of your data stored with us (Art. 17 DSGVO),
– RestricÂtion of data proÂcesÂsing if we are not yet alloÂwed to delete your data
due to legal obliÂgaÂtiÂons (Art. 18 DSGVO),
– ObjecÂtion to the proÂcesÂsing of your data by us (Art. 21 DSGVO) and
– Data transÂfeÂraÂbiÂlity if you have conÂsenÂted to data proÂcesÂsing or have
conÂcluÂded a conÂtract with us (Art. 20 DSGVO).
If you have given us your conÂsent, you can revoke it at any time with effect for the future.
You may at any time file a comÂpÂlaint with a superÂviÂsory autÂhoÂrity, e.g. the comÂpeÂtent superÂviÂsory autÂhoÂrity of the federal state in which you reside or the autÂhoÂrity responÂsiÂble for us.
A list of the superÂviÂsory autÂhoÂriÂties (for the non-public secÂtor) with their addresÂses can be found at: .
Collection of general information when you visit our website
the nature and purpose of the processing:
If you access our webÂsite, i.e. if you do not regisÂter or otherÂwise subÂmit inforÂmaÂtion, inforÂmaÂtion of a geneÂral nature is autoÂmaÂtiÂcally collecÂted. This inforÂmaÂtion (serÂver log files) incluÂdes, for example, the type of web browÂser, the opeÂraÂting sysÂtem used, the domain name of your InterÂnet serÂvice proÂviÂder, your IP address and the like.
In parÂtiÂcuÂlar, they are proÂcesÂsed for the folÂlowing purÂpoÂses:
– EnsuÂring a trouÂble-free conÂnecÂtion to the webÂsite,
– EnsuÂring the smooth use of our webÂsite,
– EvaÂluaÂtion of sysÂtem safety and staÂbiÂlity as well as
– for other admiÂnisÂtraÂtive purposes.
We do not use your data to draw conÂcluÂsiÂons about your perÂson. InforÂmaÂtion of this kind is evaÂluaÂted staÂtisÂtiÂcally by us if necessary, in order to optiÂmize our InterÂnet appearance and the techÂnoÂlogy behind it.
Legal basis:
ProÂcesÂsing takes place in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f DSGVO on the basis of our legiÂtiÂmate inteÂrest in improÂving the staÂbiÂlity and funcÂtioÂnÂaÂlity of our website.
ReciÂpiÂents of the data may be techÂniÂcal serÂvice proÂviÂders who act as conÂtract proÂcesÂsors for the opeÂraÂtion and mainÂtenÂance of our website.
Storage period:
The data is deleÂted as soon as it is no lonÂger requiÂred for the purÂpose of collecÂtion. This is geneÂrally the case for the data used to proÂvide the webÂsite when the respecÂtive sesÂsion has ended.
Provision required or required:
The proÂviÂsion of the afoÂreÂmenÂtioÂned perÂsoÂnal data is neitÂher requiÂred by law nor by conÂtract. Without the IP address, howeÂver, the serÂvice and funcÂtioÂnÂaÂlity of our webÂsite canÂnot be guaÂranÂteed. In addiÂtion, indiÂviÂdual serÂvices may not be availÂable or restricÂted. For this reaÂson an objecÂtion is excluded.
the nature and purpose of the processing:
Like many other webÂsites, we also use so-calÂled “cooÂkies”. CooÂkies are small text files that are stored on your end device (lapÂtop, tablet, smartÂphone, etc.) when you visit our website.
This gives us cerÂtain data such as IP address, browÂser used and opeÂraÂting sysÂtem.
CooÂkies canÂnot be used to start proÂgrams or transÂmit viruÂses to a comÂpuÂter. The inforÂmaÂtion conÂtaiÂned in cooÂkies enabÂles us to make naviÂgaÂtion easier for you and to disÂplay our web pages corÂrectly.
Under no cirÂcumÂsÂtanÂces will the data collecÂted by us be pasÂsed on to third parÂties or linÂked to perÂsoÂnal data without your conÂsent.
Of course, you can also view our webÂsite without cooÂkies. InterÂnet browÂsers are reguÂlarly set to accept cooÂkies. In geneÂral, you can deacÂtiÂvate the use of cooÂkies at any time via the setÂtings of your browÂser. Please use the help funcÂtions of your InterÂnet browÂser to find out how you can change these setÂtings. Please note that indiÂviÂdual funcÂtions of our webÂsite may not work if you have deacÂtiÂvaÂted the use of cookies.
Storage time and cookies used:
If you allow us to use cooÂkies through your browÂser setÂtings or conÂsent, the folÂlowing cooÂkies may be used on our websites:
InsoÂfar as these cooÂkies may (also) conÂcern perÂsoÂnal data, we will inform you of this in the folÂlowing secÂtions.
You can delete indiÂviÂdual cooÂkies or the entÂire cooÂkie stock via your browÂser setÂtings. In addiÂtion, you will receive inforÂmaÂtion and instÂrucÂtions on how these cooÂkies can be deleÂted or their stoÂrage bloÂcked in advance. DepenÂding on the proÂviÂder of your browÂser, you will find the necessary inforÂmaÂtion under the folÂlowing links:
Mozilla FireÂfox:
InterÂnet ExploÂrer:
Google Chrome:
Registration on our website
the nature and purpose of the processing:
When regisÂtering for the use of our perÂsoÂnaÂliÂsed serÂvices, some perÂsoÂnal data is collecÂted, such as name, address, conÂtact and comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion data (e.g. teleÂphone numÂber and e-mail address). If you are regisÂtered with us, you can access conÂtent and serÂvices that we only offer to regisÂtered users. RegisÂtered users also have the option of chanÂging or deleÂting the data proÂviÂded during regisÂtraÂtion at any time. Of course, we will also proÂvide you with inforÂmaÂtion about the perÂsoÂnal data we have stored about you at any time.
Legal basis:
The data entÂeÂred during regisÂtraÂtion is proÂcesÂsed on the basis of the user’s conÂsent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO).
If the purÂpose of regisÂtraÂtion is to fulÂfil a conÂtract to which the perÂson conÂcerÂned is a party or to carry out pre-conÂtracÂtual meaÂsuÂres, the addiÂtioÂnal legal basis for proÂcesÂsing the data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b DSGVO.
ReciÂpiÂents of the data may be techÂniÂcal serÂvice proÂviÂders who act as conÂtract proÂcesÂsors for the opeÂraÂtion and mainÂtenÂance of our website.
Storage period:
Data will only be proÂcesÂsed in this conÂtext as long as the corÂreÂsponÂding conÂsent has been given. AfterÂwards they will be deleÂted, as long as there are no legal obliÂgaÂtiÂons to store them. To conÂtact us in this conÂtext, please use the conÂtact data proÂviÂded at the end of this data proÂtecÂtion declaration.
ProÂviÂsion preÂscriÂbed or requiÂred:
The proÂviÂsion of your perÂsoÂnal data is volÂunÂtary, solely on the basis of your conÂsent. Without the proÂviÂsion of your perÂsoÂnal data we canÂnot grant you access to our offeÂred conÂtents and services.
Contact form
the nature and purpose of the processing:
The data entÂeÂred by you will be stored for the purÂpose of indiÂviÂdual comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion with you. For this purÂpose it is necessary to proÂvide a valid e-mail address and your name. This is used to assign the query and then ansÂwer it. The speÂciÂfiÂcaÂtion of furÂther data is optional.
Legal basis:
The data entÂeÂred in the conÂtact form is proÂcesÂsed on the basis of a legiÂtiÂmate inteÂrest (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO).
By proÂviÂding you with the conÂtact form, we would like to make it easy for you to conÂtact us. Your details will be stored for the purÂpose of proÂcesÂsing your enquiry and for posÂsiÂble folÂlow-up quesÂtiÂons.
If you conÂtact us to request an offer, the data entÂeÂred in the conÂtact form will be proÂcesÂsed to carry out pre-conÂtracÂtual meaÂsuÂres (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b DSGVO).
ReciÂpiÂents of the data may be order proÂcesÂsors.
StoÂrage duraÂtion:
Data will be deleÂted at the latest 6 monÂths after proÂcesÂsing of the request.
If it comes to a conÂtracÂtual relaÂtiÂonsÂhip, we are subÂject to the legal retenÂtion periÂods accordÂing to HGB and delete your data after these periÂods.
ProÂviÂsion preÂscriÂbed or necessary:
The proÂviÂsion of your perÂsoÂnal data is volÂunÂtary. HoweÂver, we can only proÂcess your request if you proÂvide us with your name, e-mail address and the reaÂson for the request.
Contact form
Type and purpose of processing:
The data you enter will be stored for the purÂpose of indiÂviÂdual comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion with you. For this purÂpose, it is necessary to proÂvide a valid email address and your name. This is used to assign the request and to subÂseÂquently ansÂwer it. ProÂviÂding furÂther data is optional.
Legal basis:
The proÂcesÂsing of the data entÂeÂred into the conÂtact form is based on a legiÂtiÂmate inteÂrest (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR).
By proÂviÂding the conÂtact form, we want to enable you to conÂtact us easily. Your inforÂmaÂtion will be stored for the purÂpose of proÂcesÂsing the request and for posÂsiÂble folÂlow-up questions.
If you conÂtact us to request an offer, the proÂcesÂsing of the data entÂeÂred into the conÂtact form is carÂried out to perÂform pre-conÂtracÂtual meaÂsuÂres (Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR).
ReciÂpiÂents of the data may be processors.
Storage period:
Data will be deleÂted no later than 6 monÂths after the request has been processed.
If a conÂtracÂtual relaÂtiÂonsÂhip is estabÂlisÂhed, we are subÂject to the staÂtuÂtory retenÂtion periÂods under the GerÂman ComÂmerÂcial Code (HGB) and will delete your data after the expiÂraÂtion of these periods.
Provision required or necessary:
The proÂviÂsion of your perÂsoÂnal data is volÂunÂtary. HoweÂver, we can only proÂcess your request if you proÂvide us with your name, email address and the reaÂson for your request.
Withdrawal of consent:
To disÂplay the conÂtent, the proÂgramming lanÂguage JavaÂScript is reguÂlarly used. You can theÂreÂfore object to data proÂcesÂsing by deacÂtiÂvatÂing the exeÂcuÂtion of JavaÂScript in your browÂser or by instalÂling a JavaÂScript bloÂcker. Please note that this may result in funcÂtioÂnal limiÂtaÂtiÂons on the website.
SSL encryption
In order to proÂtect the secuÂrity of your data during transÂmisÂsion, we use state-of-the-art encrypÂtion proÂceÂduÂres (e.g. SSL) via HTTPS.
Changes to our data protection regulations
We reserve the right to adapt this data proÂtecÂtion declaÂraÂtion so that it always corÂreÂsponds to the curÂrent legal requiÂreÂments or to impleÂment chanÂges to our serÂvices in the data proÂtecÂtion declaÂraÂtion, e.g. when introÂduÂcing new serÂvices. Your reneÂwed visit will then be subÂject to the new data proÂtecÂtion declaration.
QuesÂtiÂons to the data proÂtecÂtion offiÂcer
If you have any quesÂtiÂons about data proÂtecÂtion, please send us an e-mail or conÂtact the perÂson responÂsiÂble for data proÂtecÂtion in our organisation
Data protection information in the application process
We only proÂcess appÂliÂcant data for the purÂpose and witÂhin the scope of the appÂliÂcaÂtion proÂcess in accordance with legal requiÂreÂments. The proÂcesÂsing of appÂliÂcant data is carÂried out to fulÂfill our (pre)contractual obliÂgaÂtiÂons witÂhin the frameÂwork of the appÂliÂcaÂtion proÂcess in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b. GDPR and Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR if data proÂcesÂsing becoÂmes necessary for us, for example, in the conÂtext of legal proÂceeÂdings (in GerÂmany, § 26 BDSG addiÂtioÂnally applies).
The appÂliÂcaÂtion proÂcess requiÂres appÂliÂcants to proÂvide us with their appÂliÂcaÂtion data. By subÂmitÂting the appÂliÂcaÂtion to us, appÂliÂcants agree to the proÂcesÂsing of their data for the purÂpoÂses of the appÂliÂcaÂtion proÂcess in accordance with the type and scope set out in this data proÂtecÂtion declaration.
If speÂcial cateÂgoÂries of perÂsoÂnal data witÂhin the meaÂning of Art. 9 para. 1 GDPR are volÂunÂtaÂrily disÂcÂloÂsed as part of the appÂliÂcaÂtion proÂcess, their proÂcesÂsing will also be carÂried out in accordance with Art. 9 para. 2 lit. b GDPR (e.g. health data, such as severe disaÂbiÂlity staÂtus or ethÂnic oriÂgin). If speÂcial cateÂgoÂries of perÂsoÂnal data witÂhin the meaÂning of Art. 9 para. 1 GDPR are requesÂted from appÂliÂcants as part of the appÂliÂcaÂtion proÂcess, their proÂcesÂsing will also be carÂried out in accordance with Art. 9 para. 2 lit. a GDPR (e.g. health data if these are requiÂred for the exerÂcise of the profession).
AppÂliÂcants can subÂmit their appÂliÂcaÂtiÂons to us via email. HoweÂver, we would like to point out that emails are geneÂrally not sent encrypÂted and appÂliÂcants themÂselÂves must ensure encrypÂtion. TheÂreÂfore, we canÂnot assume any responÂsiÂbiÂlity for the transÂmisÂsion of the appÂliÂcaÂtion betÂween the senÂder and the reciÂpiÂent on our serÂver and theÂreÂfore recomÂmend using posÂtal mail.
In the event of a sucÂcessÂful appÂliÂcaÂtion, the data proÂviÂded by the appÂliÂcant may be furÂther proÂcesÂsed by us for the purÂpoÂses of the employÂment relaÂtiÂonsÂhip. OtherÂwise, if the appÂliÂcaÂtion for a job offer is unsucÂcessÂful, the applicant’s data will be deleÂted. The applicant’s data will also be deleÂted if an appÂliÂcaÂtion is withÂdrawn, which appÂliÂcants are entiÂtÂled to do at any time. The deleÂtion will take place, subÂject to a jusÂtiÂfied revoÂcaÂtion by the appÂliÂcant, 4 monÂths after the end of the appÂliÂcaÂtion proÂcess so that we can ansÂwer any folÂlow-up quesÂtiÂons about the appÂliÂcaÂtion and comÂply with our obliÂgaÂtiÂons under the GeneÂral Equal TreÂatÂment Act.
Links to third-party websites
Our webÂsite may conÂtain links to webÂsites of serÂvice proÂviÂders, partÂners, or other proÂviÂders, to which this priÂvacy policy does not extend. If you visit a webÂsite of these third parÂties, their priÂvacy poliÂcies and terms of use apply accordÂinÂgly. LiaÂbiÂlity for exterÂnal webÂsites is herÂeby excluded.
Social Media
We mainÂtain online preÂsenÂces witÂhin social netÂworks and platÂforms in order to comÂmuÂniÂcate with active cusÂtoÂmers, inteÂresÂted parÂties, and users and to inform them about our serÂvices. We would like to point out that user data may be proÂcesÂsed outÂside the EuroÂpean Union in the proÂcess. This can pose risks for users, for example, because it may make it more difÂfiÂcult to enforce user rights.
FurÂtherÂmore, user data is usually proÂcesÂsed for marÂket reseÂarch and adverÂtiÂsing purÂpoÂses. For example, usage behaÂvior and resulÂting user inteÂrests can be used to create user proÂfiles. These usage proÂfiles can in turn be used to disÂplay adverÂtiÂseÂments witÂhin and outÂside the platÂforms that presÂumÂaÂbly corÂreÂspond to the inteÂrests of the users. CooÂkies are usually stored on users’ comÂpuÂters for these purÂpoÂses, in which usage behaÂvior and user inteÂrests are stored. In addiÂtion, data can also be stored in the usage proÂfiles indeÂpendently of the devices used by users (espeÂcially if users are memÂbers of the respecÂtive platÂforms and are logÂged in).
The proÂcesÂsing of users’ perÂsoÂnal data is based on our legiÂtiÂmate inteÂrests in effecÂtively informing and comÂmuÂniÂcaÂting with users purÂsuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR. If users are asked by the respecÂtive platÂform proÂviÂders to conÂsent to the data proÂcesÂsing descriÂbed above, the legal basis for proÂcesÂsing is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a., Art. 7 GDPR.
For a detailed descripÂtion of the respecÂtive proÂcesÂsing and the optiÂons for objecÂtion, we refer to the inforÂmaÂtion proÂviÂded by the respecÂtive proÂviÂder linÂked below.
We also point out that in the event of requests for inforÂmaÂtion and the asserÂtion of user rights, these are best addresÂsed directly to the platÂform proÂviÂders. Only the proÂviÂders have access to the users’ data and can take approÂpriate meaÂsuÂres and proÂvide inforÂmaÂtion directly. If you still need assiÂsÂtance, you can conÂtact us.
InstaÂgram: WitÂhin our online offer, funcÂtions and conÂtent of the InstaÂgram serÂvice, offeÂred by InstaÂgram Inc., 1601 WilÂlow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA, may be inteÂgraÂted. This may include conÂtent such as images, videos, or texts and butÂtons that allow users to share conÂtent of this online offer witÂhin InstaÂgram. If users are memÂbers of the InstaÂgram platÂform, InstaÂgram can assign the call of the above-menÂtioÂned conÂtent and funcÂtions to the users’ proÂfiles there. Instagram’s priÂvacy policy:
WebÂsite proÂviÂded by JUSTCOM GmbH