Estab­lis­hed in 2011

We do things that no one dares

We are a small group of pas­sio­nate desi­gners and deveo­pers who star­ted this com­pany in 2011 here in Lon­don UK, with a great pas­sion towards web and UI design

Design, Create, Publish 

We are Oshine

It was he year 2011  the battle of ny star­ted against the chi­tauri tribe. new york was soo devas­ted by the fact that there is an ent­ire unkown spe­cies that humans have not yet dis­co­ve­red and are com­ing for an invasion.this may sound like a movie.

Duis massa diam, porta ac nunc vitae, laci­nia inter­dum quam. Morbi vul­pu­tate neque in dic­tum pel­len­tes­que. Mau­ris ultri­cies feu­giat maxi­mus. Quis­que accumsan mi in metus sce­le­ris­que luc­tus. Ali­quam erat volutpat. Duis massa diam, porta ac nunc vitae, laci­nia inter­dum quam. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­sec­te­tur adi­pi­scing elit. Sed at sem eros. In a eros orci. Pel­len­tes­que rhon­cus lob­or­tis tel­lus at con­di­men­tum. Mau­ris ultri­cies feu­giat maxi­mus. Quis­que accumsan mi in metus sce­le­ris­que luc­tus. porta ac nunc vitae.

Mobile App Design

Neque porro quis­quam est, qui dolo­rem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, con­sec­te­tur, adi­pi­sci velit, sed quia non num­quam eius modi tem­pora incidunt.

UX & Animations

Neque porro quis­quam est, qui dolo­rem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, con­sec­te­tur, adi­pi­sci velit, sed quia non num­quam eius modi tem­pora incidunt.

SEO & Digital Marketing

Neque porro quis­quam est, qui dolo­rem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, con­sec­te­tur, adi­pi­sci velit, sed quia non num­quam eius modi tem­pora incidunt.

Responsive UI Design

Neque porro quis­quam est, qui dolo­rem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, con­sec­te­tur, adi­pi­sci velit, sed quia non num­quam eius modi tem­pora incidunt.


Neque porro quis­quam est, qui dolo­rem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, con­sec­te­tur, adi­pi­sci velit, sed quia non num­quam eius modi tem­pora incidunt.

Quality Testing & Debugging

Neque porro quis­quam est, qui dolo­rem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, con­sec­te­tur, adi­pi­sci velit, sed quia non num­quam eius modi tem­pora incidunt.

Our Top Features

Why Oshine ?

Page Builder

Impress your visi­tors by adding wow fac­tor to your pages. Ani­ma­ted ban­ners, but­tons, or indi­ca­tors can bring your site alive and help direct users atten­tion effectively.


We haven’t for­got­ten about respon­sive lay­out. With The Rap­ture Startup, you can create a web­site with full mobile support.

Impressive Layouts

For sites that need a high degree of inter­ac­ti­vity, such as port­fo­lios or gal­le­ries, make page stand out from the crowd. 

No Coding Required

Each com­po­nent is coded for web which will suf­fi­ci­ently has­ten the pro­cess of crea­ting a website.

Meet Our Team

Guys who get your work done
Katy Perry
UI Desi­gner

Our most fasci­na­ting and ama­zing UI Desi­gner. she has been with us since the start of the company.

UX Deve­lo­per

Jack is such an amzing soft­ware deve­lo­per and comes with an ama­zing set of hacking skills.

Lead Deve­lo­per

Bruce leads the team and is one of the most bru­tal and instinc­tive per­son in the office.

Jessica Jones

Jes­sica is the offi­cial pho­to­gra­pher of our team and is really great at stock photos.

Our Clients

“Great theme and effi­ci­ent sup­port! So much choice for design lay­out and func­tio­n­a­lity backed up with very know­ledgable sup­port staff.”

Winnie Oracle 
CEO, Pretty Flowers

“This is a truly spec­ta­cu­lar theme! The cus­tom page buil­der is defi­ni­tely one of the most intui­tive and user-friendly page buil­ders I’ve ever used. â€ś

Micheal Johnson
Free­lance Developer

“Would give these guys 6 stars if I could, theme is fle­xi­ble and once I figu­red out how the visual edi­tor works is super easy to use. â€ś

Andrea Massaro
Wed­ding Photographer

Contact Us

The story con­ti­nues as the haun­ted expi­ren­ces have became soo worse that no one beli­ved the acti­vi­ties were real other than jessi and jane.