Marta Gutiérrez

Purcha­sing and Import

Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream - Mark Twain

When I got the chance to take the next step in my career by moving to Ham­burg, it did not take long to make a posi­tive decision. From the begin­ning I was attrac­ted by the har­bor, the water and the vibrant trade cul­ture. The wea­ther was undoub­tedly not too appe­aling. Howe­ver, I never reg­ret­ted lea­ving my Spa­nish home. I am at home tra­di­tio­nally purcha­sing meat pro­ducts in Europe and South Ame­rica. In these areas I could use my lan­guage skills and deve­lop good long-term rela­ti­ons­hips to dis­tri­bu­tors. Moving fur­ther to fish pro­cu­re­ment was a small step. Nowa­days I handle the purchase for the Ibe­rian assort­ment for HAFRO and in the future I will work on the deve­lo­p­ment of Euro­pean and South Ame­ri­can pro­cu­re­ment markets.


  • +49 40 399 292 0
