Gabriele J. Williamson

Purcha­sing and Import

When you go jump into the water, you learn how to swim. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I was born in Ger­many at the Nort­hern Sea and grew up in Scot­land and Eng­land, so I am really from the coast. For 40 years I have been back to Ger­many now and most of the time I have been working for Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH, more than 30 years. “Lear­ning by doing” has always been my motto and I have done and lear­ned a great deal of things wit­hin the years. I am at home in import and purchase pro­ces­sing and I am cer­tainly an expert in this field by now. There is no chance to relax­time to lay back though since there are con­stant chan­ges espe­cially wit­hin cir­cum­s­tan­ces and regu­la­ti­ons are con­stantly chan­ging for us as an import. “Keeps you on your toes as they say!”


  • +49 40 399 292 0
