PurchaÂsing ManaÂger / Deputy ManaÂging Director
Ever since I caught my first roach at the age of four the pasÂsion for fish and fishing never let go of me again. WheÂther in NorÂway or at the river Elbe river, with the rod in my hand, in the kitÂchen or at work: many things in my life cenÂtere around fish. With a M.Sc. degree in aquaculÂture and becoÂmÂing fish somÂmeÂlier I posÂsess sound expert knowÂledge I can apply perÂfectly as purchaÂsing manaÂger. PerÂsoÂnally I think that the joy about good quaÂlity remains lonÂger than joy about a cheap price. HoweÂver I know that our cusÂtoÂmers have difÂfeÂrent requiÂreÂments and that our offers have to be in line with the marÂket. AccordÂing to my HanÂseaÂtic imprint I stand for transÂpaÂrency and honesty, wheÂther in negoÂtiaÂtiÂons, when declaÂring goods or in our priÂcing strucÂture. From panÂgasius to high presÂsure lobsÂter, what you see on the box is also inside what you get.
+49 40 399 292 0