Felix Nitzschke

Purcha­sing Mana­ger / Deputy Mana­ging Director

Do not tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish. - Mark Twain

Ever since I caught my first roach at the age of four the pas­sion for fish and fishing never let go of me again. Whe­ther in Nor­way or at the river Elbe river, with the rod in my hand, in the kit­chen or at work: many things in my life cen­tere around fish. With a M.Sc. degree in aquacul­ture and beco­m­ing fish som­me­lier I pos­sess sound expert know­ledge I can apply per­fectly as purcha­sing mana­ger. Per­so­nally I think that the joy about good qua­lity remains lon­ger than joy about a cheap price. Howe­ver I know that our cus­to­mers have dif­fe­rent requi­re­ments and that our offers have to be in line with the mar­ket. Accord­ing to my Han­sea­tic imprint I stand for trans­pa­rency and honesty, whe­ther in nego­tia­ti­ons, when decla­ring goods or in our pri­cing struc­ture. From pan­gasius to high pres­sure lobs­ter, what you see on the box is also inside what you get.


  • +49 40 399 292 0

  • felix-nitzschke@hafro.de