I am a type of perÂson who wants to conÂtiÂnuously deveÂlop furÂther and who never stops. That appÂlies for my hobÂbies like runÂning, motorÂcyÂcling or creaÂtive cooÂking as much as for my proÂfesÂsioÂnal life. After my apprenÂtiÂceÂship to become a cook and in total seven years of work expeÂriÂence I wanÂted to take a leap of faith and doto try someÂthing new but still wanÂted to stay in the food secÂtor. It had to have someÂthing to do with food again. I made an apprenÂtiÂceÂship to become merÂchant in whoÂleÂsale and export at TransÂgourÂmet GerÂmany. BesÂiÂdes my job in the comÂpany I worked on my eduÂcaÂtion and became busiÂness admiÂnisÂtraÂtor. Since OctoÂber 2017 I am occuÂpÂied in sales proÂcesÂsing at HAFRO. I am said to be very reliÂable and exact as well as asserÂtive – a necesÂsity when dealing with shipÂping and forÂwarÂding comÂpaÂnies and agenÂcies. When the fricÂtions with difÂfeÂrent staÂkeÂholÂders are debiÂliÂtaÂtingÂtaÂking their toll on me I can always look forÂward to an evening I can spend with family and friends gaiÂning new strength. When the alarm clock goes off the next morning, I am feeÂling motiÂvaÂted agaiÂnion ariÂses and ready to start theÂthe day. can start.
+49 40 399 292 0