Daniela Drees


The one who cherishes the small things in live has found the true way to happiness

I am a type of per­son who wants to con­ti­nuously deve­lop fur­ther and who never stops. That app­lies for my hob­bies like run­ning, motor­cy­cling or crea­tive coo­king as much as for my pro­fes­sio­nal life. After my appren­ti­ce­ship to become a cook and in total seven years of work expe­ri­ence I wan­ted to take a leap of faith and doto try some­thing new but still wan­ted to stay in the food sec­tor. It had to have some­thing to do with food again. I made an appren­ti­ce­ship to become mer­chant in who­le­sale and export at Trans­gour­met Ger­many. Bes­i­des my job in the com­pany I worked on my edu­ca­tion and became busi­ness admi­nis­tra­tor. Since Octo­ber 2017 I am occu­p­ied in sales pro­ces­sing at HAFRO. I am said to be very reli­able and exact as well as asser­tive – a neces­sity when dealing with ship­ping and for­war­ding com­pa­nies and agen­cies. When the fric­tions with dif­fe­rent sta­ke­hol­ders are debi­li­ta­ting­ta­king their toll on me I can always look for­ward to an evening I can spend with family and friends gai­ning new strength. When the alarm clock goes off the next morning, I am fee­ling moti­va­ted agai­nion ari­ses and ready to start the­the day. can start.


  • +49 40 399 292 0

  • daniela-drees@hafro.de