
Dan Jayaratnam

Purcha­sing and import

A man without a plan is like a ship without a rudder. - Emil Oesch

I was born in the Middle King­dom. At the age of 4 I came to Ger­many and found hap­pi­ness in Ham­burg. For many years I worked in gas­tro­nomy but I was loo­king for a new chal­lenge after some time. My new path led me into ship­ping and logistics. With my expe­ri­ence as a ship­ping clerk, my know­ledge of food and my pas­sion for sea­food, I have ever­ything you need in our line of busi­ness. After a family break, I am back to work and respon­si­ble for import admi­nis­tra­tion at Hafro.


  • +49 40 399 292 631
