PurchaÂsing and import
I was born in the Middle KingÂdom. At the age of 4 I came to GerÂmany and found hapÂpiÂness in HamÂburg. For many years I worked in gasÂtroÂnomy but I was looÂking for a new chalÂlenge after some time. My new path led me into shipÂping and logistics. With my expeÂriÂence as a shipÂping clerk, my knowÂledge of food and my pasÂsion for seaÂfood, I have everÂything you need in our line of busiÂness. After a family break, I am back to work and responÂsiÂble for import admiÂnisÂtraÂtion at Hafro.
+49 40 399 292 631