Senior Buyer
As a native of lower NieÂderÂsachÂsen I’m not necessaÂrily “built close to the water”. Nevertheless, since my childÂhood, I have had a close relaÂtiÂonsÂhip with HamÂburg, the fish marÂket and its pecuÂliaÂriÂties. Not only coinÂciÂdentÂally the choice for my traiÂning comÂpany was a traÂdiÂtioÂnal whoÂleÂsaÂler and traÂdiÂtioÂnal import comÂpany for froÂzen seaÂfood here in HamÂburg. Since then, the enthuÂsiÂasm for fish and seaÂfood has been preÂserÂved as a comÂplex and chanÂgeÂable, but always exciÂting, marÂket. The daily conÂtact with cusÂtoÂmers, where you are always able to learn someÂthing new even after more than ten years. The diverÂsity of the seaÂfood indusÂtry, the chanÂgeaÂbiÂlity of the marÂket and its senÂsiÂtive proÂducts and the increÂaÂsing cusÂtoÂmer demands are the daily chalÂlenge that I am happy to face again and again. I would like to comÂmuÂniÂcate this in daily conÂverÂsaÂtion with the cusÂtoÂmers and thus create the basis for the long-term and trusÂting relaÂtiÂonsÂhip betÂween cusÂtoÂmer and supÂplier that I have always striÂven for.
+49 40 399 292 630