kunz3 Kopie

Bastian Kunz

Senior Buyer

Good things will take a while

As a native of lower Nie­der­sach­sen I’m not necessa­rily “built close to the water”. Nevertheless, since my child­hood, I have had a close rela­ti­ons­hip with Ham­burg, the fish mar­ket and its pecu­lia­ri­ties. Not only coin­ci­dent­ally the choice for my trai­ning com­pany was a tra­di­tio­nal who­le­sa­ler and tra­di­tio­nal import com­pany for fro­zen sea­food here in Ham­burg. Since then, the enthu­si­asm for fish and sea­food has been pre­ser­ved as a com­plex and chan­ge­able, but always exci­ting, mar­ket. The daily con­tact with cus­to­mers, where you are always able to learn some­thing new even after more than ten years. The diver­sity of the sea­food indus­try, the chan­gea­bi­lity of the mar­ket and its sen­si­tive pro­ducts and the incre­a­sing cus­to­mer demands are the daily chal­lenge that I am happy to face again and again. I would like to com­mu­ni­cate this in daily con­ver­sa­tion with the cus­to­mers and thus create the basis for the long-term and trus­ting rela­ti­ons­hip bet­ween cus­to­mer and sup­plier that I have always stri­ven for.


  • +49 40 399 292 630

  • bastian-kunz@hafro.de