Genuine Ita­lian ice cream art is used in the family busi­ness Gela­te­ria Ghisolfi in the pro­duc­tion of Gio­lito Gelati and Sor­betti. Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH is a proud dis­tri­bu­tion part­ner for Ger­many. Get to know the excep­tio­nal ice and con­vince yourself.

Exclusive Italian Gusto

Gio­lito stands for the art of craf­ting real Ita­lian ice cream, hig­hest qua­lity and an excep­tio­nal variety. We offer pre­mium dairy ice cream with a ten­der taste and an unmat­ched creamy tex­ture, as well as sor­bets with high fruit con­tent based on prime ingre­dients. Gio­lito crea­ti­ons satisfy the hig­hest expec­ta­ti­ons in terms of enjoy­ment and qua­lity. Solely superb ingre­dients are used, like bour­bon vanilla from Mada­gas­car, lemons from sunny Sicily, hazel­nuts from the Pie­mont or coco­nut milk from Thai­land. Sun-ripe­ned Alp­honso man­gos from India, fruits from Boi­ron, Sici­lian pist­achios, bio­lo­gi­cally cul­ti­va­ted blu­e­ber­ries or real Japa­nese matcha green tea offer spe­cial high­lights. Please find the pro­duct range for Ger­many here. 

Gelati and sorbetti

Milk ice cream creation


Sor­bet creation


The history of Giolito

The family-run Gela­te­ria Ghisolfi stands for real Ita­lian ice cream craft­s­manship for genera­ti­ons. Gio­lito gelati and sor­betti have always been manu­fac­tu­red in a tra­di­tio­nal way. The history of the Gela­te­ria began in the year 1958, when Ales­san­dro Ghisolfi ope­ned his first Gela­te­ria in Meda (Milan). On that day his fel­low citi­zen Johnny Dorelli with Dome­nico Mod­ugno won the Ita­lian song con­test San­remo with the song “Volare”.  

In 1980 Ales­san­dro Ghisolfi ope­ned a new Gela­te­ria with the sound­ing name „Mon­dini“ in Mariano Comense (CO). In the course of the years he deve­lo­ped his craft­s­manship fur­ther and crea­ted more and more tas­te­ful gelati and sor­betti. Ghisolfi’s know­ledge and crea­ti­vity is bound­less. Over time he enchan­ted his guests in the Gela­te­ria Mon­dini with more than 50 exqui­site varieties.

When Italy won the soc­cer world cup 1982, Ales­san­dro Ghisolfi dis­tri­bu­ted more than three thousand cor­nets in the colors green (men­the), white (cream) and red (straw­berry) for free. The busi­ness kept gro­wing con­ti­nuously and Ghisolfi’s ice cream craft­s­manship enjoyed more and more popu­la­rity. By now the ice cream is packed and deli­ve­red to diverse Gela­te­rias in the whole region. To gua­ran­tee the hig­hest qua­lity the manu­fac­tury con­ti­nues its com­mit­ment to tra­di­tio­nal craftsmanship.

The brand Gio­lito ori­gi­na­ted in a ran­dom con­ver­sa­tion bet­ween the foun­der Dr Hans Merki and a trus­ted vin­ter in Italy. As they hap­pened to con­verse about ice cream sup­pliers in Switz­er­land and neit­her of them beeing able to name a pre­mium brand, they fol­lo­wed a recom­men­da­tion and visi­ted Gela­te­ria Ghisolfi. Both were deligh­ted strai­ght away. After choo­sing Gio­lito as the brands name, the first gelati for the Swiss mar­ket was pro­du­ced in 2005. The reci­pes were deve­lo­ped by Ernst Knam, a world-class patis­sier from Milan. Today, Ghisolfi’s son Roberto is respon­si­ble for manu­fac­tu­ring. The know-how and the craft­s­manship of the family still con­tri­bu­tes to making Gio­lito ice cream excep­tio­nal. Shortly after the estab­lish­ment in April 2005 an employee from Hamburger Feinfrost GmbH dis­co­ve­red Gio­lito at a food fair. The pro­duct was so con­vin­cing that the decision was quickly made to include the ice cream in the pro­duct range. Until now HAFRO is proud exclu­sive dis­tri­bu­tion part­ner for this pro­duct in the Ger­man market.

Giolito standard of quality

Hig­hest qua­lity ari­ses from the use of the best ingre­dients. The basis of the gelati con­sists of fresh milk and fresh cream. The sor­betti con­tain up to 68% fruit. It is deli­ber­ately refrai­ned from adding arti­fi­cial pre­ser­va­ti­ves and colors. The taste comes solely from nature. 

The creation

To create the intense taste expe­ri­ence, Ghisolfi sources the best ingre­dients from all over the world. Whe­ther it is India, Thai­land, Mada­gas­kar or Japan – no jour­ney is too far to obtain the opti­mal ingre­dients. In some cases the extra­or­di­nary can be very close, too. Hence manu­ally stir­red cara­mel from Felch­lin in Switz­er­land or pre­mium Illy Scuro cof­fee beans from Ita­lian roas­ting houses can form the signi­fi­cant cha­rac­ter.  Bes­i­des the care­ful choice of the finest ingre­dients the manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess and the deployed tech­no­logy con­tri­bute to the excep­tio­nal qua­lity of the Gio­lito creations.

The high amount of dry solids with deep incor­po­ra­tion of air bub­bles gua­ran­tees the incom­pa­ra­bly creamy, soft and slowly mel­ting tex­ture. This way the hig­hest inten­sity of the fla­vo­ring ingre­dients is reached. During the free­zing pro­cess the mat­ter is being stir­red up to 36 hours. The­re­fore the Gelato beco­mes creamy, ten­derly mel­ting and inher­ently sta­ble. Through col­la­bo­ra­tion with high-class patis­siers and chefs an out­stan­ding pro­duct range ari­ses. With their reci­pes they set new stan­dards for the manu­fac­tu­ring of supe­rior ice cream. Their crea­ti­ons gua­ran­tee varia­tion and excitement.


The fol­lowing part­ners pro­vide the extra­or­di­nary delicacies

Ernst Knam

«L’Antica Arte del Dolce», Milano

Cristiano Rienzner

«Restau­rant Pure White (for­mer Mare­moto, Ber­lin)», Köln

Gilles Marchal

ehem. Chef-Cho­co­la­tier
«de la Mai­son du Cho­co­lat», Paris

Robert Speth

«Chef­koch Restau­rant Che­sery», Gstaad

Stefan Wiesner

Der Hexer
«Gast­hof Rössli»

Rolf Mürner

«Swiss Pas­try Design», Bern


Please read here, what others say about Giolito

Giolito ice cream specialties

The family-run Ghisolfi Gela­te­ria embo­dies real Ita­lian ice cream craft­s­manship. For the pro­duc­tion of the Gio­lito Gelati and Gio­lito Sor­betti the hig­hest requi­re­ments con­cer­ning qua­lity and craft apply. Only the best and fres­hest ingre­dients are uti­li­zed, the use of addi­tio­nal arti­fi­cial pre­ser­va­ti­ves and colo­ring is deli­ber­ately refrai­ned from. In coope­ra­tion with high-class patis­siers and well known chefs an exci­ting and varied diver­sity of milk ice cream and sor­bets is crea­ted. Gio­lito sets new stan­dards – it is a must try!

Milk ice cream creations

The pre­mium milk ice cream spe­cial­ties from Gio­lito stand out due to their ten­der taste and match­less creamy tex­ture. All milk ice cream fla­vors are made from fresh raw milk which is pas­teu­ri­zed directly in the factory.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingWatch­list
Ama­retti - Milk ice cream with Amaretti32592, 5 l
Cacao- Milk ice cream with chocolate3297500 ml
Cacao- Milk ice cream with chocolate32132, 5 l
Caffè- Milk ice cream coffee3227500 ml
Cioc­co­lato bianco- Milk ice cream with white chocolate3242500 ml
Cioc­co­lato puro- lac­to­se­free ice cream with dark chocolate3231500 ml
Cocco- Milk ice cream coconut3219500 ml
Cocco- Milk ice cream coconut32012, 5 l
Mas­car­pone é Tonka- Milk ice cream with tonka bean taste3237500 ml
Mas­car­pone é Tonka- Milk ice cream with tonka bean taste32072, 5 l
Menta Cioc­co­lato Milch­eis mit Scho­ko­lade und Minze3246500 ml
Noc­ciola- Milk ice cream with hazelnut3226500 ml
Panna e Amarena- Milk ice cream with saur cherrys3221500 ml
Pist­ac­chio- Milk ice cream with pistachios3263500 ml
Strac­cia­tella- Milk ice cream with cho­co­late flakes3217500 ml
Tor­rone- Milk ice cream with white nougat3247500 ml
Tor­rone- Milk ice cream with white nougat32622, 5 l
Vanig­lia- Milk ice cream with vanilla3220500 ml
Vanig­lia- Milk ice cream with vanilla32082, 5 l
Yogurt- Milk ice cream with yogurt3223500 ml

Sorbet creations

The delight­ful sor­bets with high fruit con­tent are a spe­cial treat even for sophisti­ca­ted users. Bet­ween the cour­ses, as des­sert or refresh­ment on hot days – Gio­lito sor­bet crea­ti­ons are bey­ond com­pa­ri­son when loo­king for refres­hing frui­ti­ness and a natu­ral fla­vor at the same time.

NameArti­cle no.Sor­tingPack­a­gingWatch­list
Ana­nas sor­betto- Pineapple sorbet3218500 ml
Ana­nas sor­betto- Pineapple sorbet32002, 5 l
Cin­am­mon sor­bet with wodka32062, 5 l
Fra­gola e Fra­go­line-straw­berry sorbet3279500 ml
Fra­gola sor­betto- straw­berry sorbet32602, 5 l
Lam­pone sor­betto- Raspberry sorbet3244500 ml
Lam­pone sor­betto- Raspberry sorbet32392, 5 l
Lem­mon sor­bet with wodka3222500 ml
Limon­cello di Sor­rento sorbetto32492, 5 l
Limone é Basi­lico sor­betto - Lemon sor­bet with basil3248500 ml
Limone é Basi­lico sor­betto - Lemon sor­bet with basil32612, 5 l
Limone sor­betto- lime sorbet3224500 ml
Limone sor­betto- lime sorbet32092, 5 l
Man­da­rine sor­betto- tanga­rine sorbet3268500 ml
Man­da­rine sor­betto- tanga­rine sorbet32672, 5 l
Mango sor­betto- Mango sorbet3230500 ml
Mango sor­betto- Mango sorbet32112, 5 l
Mela verde sor­betto- green apple sorbet3240500 ml
Mir­tillo sor­betto- Blu­e­berry sorbet3225500 ml
Mir­tillo sor­betto- Blu­e­berry sorbet32102, 5 l
Mojito sor­betto-Lime sor­bet with rum and mint3235500 ml
Mojito sor­betto-Lime sor­bet with rum and mint32052, 5 l
Mora sor­betto- Black­berry sorbet3245500 ml
Mora sor­betto- Black­berry sorbet32152, 5 l
Piña Colada- Pineapple sor­bet with coco­nut and rum3233500 ml
Piña Colada- Pineapple sor­bet with coco­nut and rum32032, 5 l
Ribes rosso sor­betto - Red cur­rent sorbet3234500 ml
Ribes rosso sor­betto - Red cur­rent sorbet32642, 5 l